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Research On Integrated Marketing Communication Of Chinese Private Enterprises

Posted on:2011-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330338984806Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a new marketing idea and transmission since the 1990's,"Integrated Marketing Communication"(IMC) causing huge repercussions and has been widely used since entered China. This theory holds that all the information about products and services will be integrated and unified release to be integrated management, enable consumers and potential consumers to fully understand the corporate brand, results in a purchase, and maintain consumer loyalty in the process.To effectively solve the problems enterprises faced, Currently, some sensitivity Chinese private enterprises of higher market-orient, whose sales and promotion practices that had already begun Consciously in accordance with IMC, take various forms of Communication way integrated and conformity to establish their own brand's position in the minds of consumers rapidly., spread of brand and sales effectively, whose practice was lively comments to IMC, concern for the following industry. Therefore, the in-depth study of the way about IMC, summing up the lessons learned, has important practical significance to our business practice and development of the theory.The topics from the relevant theoretical and practical cases, combined with the actual situation of Chinese Private Enterprises and the social environment, strive to find the law between the dissemination activities and results, operating activities for the enterprise reference.This article has been divided into four parts as below:First part is foreword, generally describing the theory of integrated marketing communications, discusses the concept and the mean of IMC theory, the difference between IMC and traditional theory, the development and evolution of IMC, topics from the theory to determine the background, purpose and significance of the study.The second part points out the challenges of Chinese private enterprise in marketing communications, discusses the shortcomings of traditional marketing and communication ways, discusses the changes in the external environment of enterprises, the significance of IMC to branding corporate, outlines the present situation of marketing communications activities of Chinese private enterprises. Through the analysis of Kelon Group, whose lessons practice in IMC, summarized the need and initial practice of Chinese private enterprises. The third section outlines how to carry out IMC, including the strategy and positioning, media selection, the seven levels and implementation of IMC.The fourth part is the Inspiration of IMC Practice in Chinese private enterprises, including the early practice integration of enterprise creation, event marketing in IMC, integrated marketing conditions for successful application of communication theory, Mengniu Group representative on marketing activities and to make meaningful analysis to explore the private practice of integrated marketing communication companies behind some of the law.Through the discussion above, this paper summarizes the business integrated marketing communication principles and practice of some of the points, draw the conclusion that domestic private enterprises should fully understand the basis of this theory, continue to upgrade their marketing communication concepts, so that their own thinking and practice do not fall in the trend of the times, and realize the times.
Keywords/Search Tags:Private enterprises, Integrated Marketing, Communication
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