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Research On Price Hearing System Of Guangdong Province

Posted on:2012-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330335464555Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Public hearing serves as one of the basal systems of the modern Administration Procedural Law. In 1998, the price hearing system has been regulated in the Price Law of China, marking the first hearing system for the public participation in the administrative decision process has been formally established. Guangdong Province has first seen the introduction and development of price hearing system in China, and has taken lead in various perspectives during its long course of public price-hearing implementation. Price hearing system holds far-reaching significance for the development of modern administrative system in China, as it represents the concentrative embodiment of the publicity, fair and justness of our administrative procedure, and remains the institutional safeguard of democratize and optimize of the price policy in China. However, price hearing system in China is still faultiness in terms of scope of application, administrative subject, hearing procedures, and legal force, etc. By citing cases of developed countries and regions, this paper analyses and expounds main defects and improvement measures of China's present price hearing system from the following aspects:firstly, to expand and standardize the scope of application of price hearing system; secondly, to introduce a "third party" participation in the administrative decision-making process, and improve the selection mode of meeting representatives; thirdly, to rectify specific operation procedures so as to add to the openness and fairness of the hearing system; and fourthly, to better define the legal force of written transcripts and reports of price hearing meetings.
Keywords/Search Tags:administrative decision process, pricing hearing, legal system optimization
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