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Study Of Sino-US Trade Imbalance

Posted on:2012-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L G PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2189330332998460Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Balance of trade means a country in a given year in foreign trade imports and exports basically leveling. Throughout the world (regional) government's foreign policy practice, this phenomenon is not much. In general, a government in foreign trade import and export should be to maintain the basic balance, a slight surplus, a move conducive to the healthy development of the national economy.With the acceleration of economic globalization, Sino-US trade has achieved rapid development, Sino-US trade imbalance also will be increasing, thus become the most important factor affecting the future development of Sino-US economic and trade relations. Analysis of Sino-US trade imbalance in promoting cross-border operation of enterprises, establish global development strategy of great practical significance.By analyzing the changes in the rapid development of Sino-US trade and the status of Sino-US trade deficit, trade deficit with China and the U.S. found that there is indeed expanding and developing trend. For this problem, we need to look objectively. On the one hand the formation of this situation by the international division of labor, industrial transfer, the development of intra-industry trade, the total supply and demand in the United States lost the cross and other factors. Sino-US trade in goods to their respective advantages, and fully reflects the era of economic globalization, the global industrial chain division and complementary division of labor relations, and industrial relocation and the development of intra-industry trade between the two countries have increased trade, large part of the performance of the Chinese exports to the U.S.. Therefore, the development of bilateral trade imbalance with some degree of inevitability; but on the other hand we must also address the expansion of U.S. trade deficit:it makes the U.S. trade protectionism and the return of merchandise exports to China has brought serious obstacles, and concerns about China's development, such as the "China threat theory", which made the United States to its strong competitive advantage in the high-tech products export restrictions strictly. In addition, we must be clear in the Sino-US trade in spite of long-term trade surplus with China, but in terms of trade interests, the interests of China are much smaller than the United States. China and the U.S. together with the differences in statistical methods to make the U.S. trade deficit has deteriorated even more.Any country in the foreign trade surplus are not always in a position of status or a perpetual state of deficit. Therefore, the ultimate trend in Sino-US trade imbalance should be relative to the bilateral balance. The near term, the situation of Sino-US trade on the decision to the analysis of several factors is necessary, both favorable factors for improving the bilateral trade imbalance, there are also negative factors worsen the bilateral trade imbalance. Through analysis of the causes of Sino-US trade imbalance, we found that development of economic globalization today, China-US trade complementarity and reciprocity characteristics more evident. Sino-US trade you have me, I have you, who can do without has become a reality. In considering the economic and trade relations, any time and can not leave such a basic perspective: China is the largest developing country, the United States is the largest developed country, complementarity is the cornerstone of international division of labor between the two countries in China and the U.S. are likely to the near future each other's largest trade partner. In the future, the two countries participate in global and product level within the division will continue to deepen Sino-US trade imbalance is likely to continue for a long period of time. Long as both sides hold a positive and pragmatic attitude in handling problems in Sino-US trade will have greater prospects for development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sino-US trade, imbalance, study
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