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The Brand Creation In Sight Of Receptive Aesthetics

Posted on:2012-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The receptive aesthetics created by Hans Robert Jausse and Wolfgang Iser is aimed to study the series of elements and regular patterns that are shown by readers in the process of accepting literary writings and it leads readers to accept these writings. This theory is based on the research of traditional western literature but goes further than it. Although the receptive aesthetics is one of literature theories, it also can be referred to other fields such as brand creation. The band creation also need accepting just as literary writings and would become meaningless if isolated. The theory of receptive aesthetics could not only enrich the theoretical background of brand creation, but also lever the level of brand creation to meet more customer needs. This paper is aimed to study the interactive process and the accepting process in the development of brand with receptive aesthetics. It is guided by the theory of receptive esthetics and accepts the theory critically in the brand creation process. Furthermore, this paper would find the linkage between brand creation and receptive esthetics through the analysis of the theory and the study of Marx's "Art Production" Theory. The accepting psychology and accepting action of consumers would have many differences when they choosing and accepting commercial brands. As a result, if a company wishes their customers get familiar with something they do not know and deepen the dependent to their brands, it has to employ the strategies shown in the theory of receptive aesthetics to create brands. The accepting process of consumers to brands is formed by feelings, image remolding and impression. Therefore the realization process of brand value could be seen as the process of aesthetics recreation and this certain process also could lead upgrading the inherent value of a company.
Keywords/Search Tags:Receptive Aesthetics, Brand creation, Aesthetic value, Brand value
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