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The Study Of Information Industry And Economic Growth In Liaoning Province

Posted on:2011-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z FangFull Text:PDF
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Experienced a financial crisis in 2008,international economy have been impacted to varying degrees.The development of various industries are facing unprecedented challenges, and now in the booming information industry also have new challenges and opportunities. With the great support of the national policy and the development effort made by information industry itself, information industry also made great progress in china. Meanwhile,the relationship between the information industry and economic growth has also been the focus of attention of scholars.Whether foreign or domestic scholars,they made a lot of effort in the study of the relationship between the information industry and economic growth. Foreign scholars study the impact of the information industry on productivity,various studies in China, most scholars concentrate on the development of national information industry. But note that the impact of the information industry on economic development so far is still in doubt. The Liaoning Province, as an old industrial base, the information industry is the main driving force of development.In this special period, analysis of the information industry development status examination of the development of information industry in Liaoning Province to its economic growth have important practical significa.Based on this,this paper will study the development of information industry in liaoning province in the following aspects for reference. Selecting the appropriate index, combining the theoretical analysis of qualitative and quantitative empirical analysis to explore the Liaoning Provincial Information Industry and the relationship between economic growth.This article is divided into five chapters to illustrate the Liaoning Provincial Information Industry and the relationship between economic growth:The first chapter is the introduction. It displays the background and significance of this study,then makes a brief literature review on the latest research development of this field.finally, the research methods and and paper structure of this paper were listed.The second chapter focuses on analyzing the development of information industry in Liaoning Province. Based on the study on the scale of the three segments devided from information industry and the employment of it in Liaoning Provincial, It concludes that the size of information industry in liaoning province is advancing and the employment scale contunues growing.In the third chapter,it lists the research methods introduced in the empirical part of this paper, focusing on Cobb-Douglas production function model and cointegration analysis. Meanwhile the selection of indicators and data processing for a simple description.The fourth chapter is the core of this article, the first use of Cobb-Douglas production function, the introduction of capital, human resources, factor analysis,analysis of Information Industry and short-term relationship between economic growth. Then the main use of the information industry in Liaoning Province in sales'and GDP data Cointegration analysis of the long-term relationship between the two, further analysis of error correction model of short-term fluctuations in relations between them.Finally, based on the result of our study it gives the appropriate advice for the development of information industry in Liaoning ProvinceThe empirical results show that the information industry in Liaoning Province between economic growth and a long-term equilibrium relationship, but the short term, the development of information industry, no significant growth promoting effect,can also be said that the development of information industry in Liaoning Province process, the short-term memory in the "productivity paradox" phenomenon.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information
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