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Subjective Opinion On The Changes In Marine Environment-Oral History Study Of20Fishermen Around Bohai Sea

Posted on:2015-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Developing the marine resources to seek economic benefits has increasinglybecome the consensus of the coastal countries. And it is also generally recognized that"Ocean Century" is coming soon. The marine environment and human activities affectand interact mutually, that is, the marine environment is bound to change dramaticallywith human’s more intensive and more large-scale marine development activities.This study uses oral history methods, selects the fishermen lived around Bohai Sea asthe interviewers, carries on field study in eight fishing villages in Shandong, Hebei,Tianjin and Liaoning Province around Bohai Sea, and makes face-to-face oral historyinterview with20fishermen who are beyond62years old. First-hand data on thesubjective opinions on the changes of marine environment of Bohai Sea are obtained.In addition, taking the bias and into account, this study also collects the CountyAnnals of Changdao Island, District Annals of Hangu, District Annals of Lvshunkouand Yantai Aquatic Product Annals, aiming to confirm each other with the datacollected by the oral history method and trying to describe the features of the changesof marine environment around Bohai Sea since our nation founded in detail.The most impressive subjective opinions of fishermen on the changes of marineenvironment concentrate on three dimensions: the first one is the change of quantityand kind of fish resource, that is to say, the amount and kind of fish resource declinedramatically and the quality becomes even worse, which bring about desertification;the second one is the change of marine water pollution, that is, the quality of seawaterbecomes worse and worse and there are more and more marine litter; the third one isthe effects of marine environment changes on fishermen’s production and life, mainlydisplaying in the change of fishery operation regulation, the increase of the fisherycost and the decline of the fishermen’s interest, which brought about by the decline offish resource amount, and consequently the number of fishermen and fishing boatsless and less and the fishermen turn to other industry.There is no doubt that the most innovation of this study is the innovation of study method. After teasing the China’s Marine Environmental Quality Bulletin and China’sMarine Disasters Bulletin over the years issued by the National Bureau of Statistics. Itcan be concluded that on the one hand the marine environment is deterioratingincreasingly, that is to say, the issues of marine environment pollution, marine ecologydamage and marine resources depletion are still worrisome; on the other hand it cannot obtain the complete change process of the marine environment since our countryestablished in1949by using the existing statistical bulletins. Therefore, the oralhistory research method applies in the field of marine environment change researchhas its unique value in certainly. It can make up the lack and deficiency of the existingofficial data, let the basic mass make their sound in academic research, go deep intothe fishermen’s life and communicate with them to gather more real and vividresearch data, and this method is also the change of research perspectives, namelybacking to real life in research perspectives to make the research data in the field ofmarine environment change more real and specific.
Keywords/Search Tags:around Bohai Sea, change of marine environment, oral history, subjective opinion
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