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Design And Analysis On Automatic Firecracker Fuse-inserting System

Posted on:2015-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D S XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2181330428997676Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fireworks for the production of high-risk industries,the current low level ofautomation machinery, the growing problem of labor shortage.China has not yetappeared ripe firecrackers automatic plug lead equipment, this market temporarily inthe blank. Government regulation of the firecracker industry safety increasinglystringent admittance of increasing the threshold, firecrackers enterprise labor shortage,security is not guaranteed, their low economic efficiency and other issues urgentrequirement firecrackers manufacturer to speed up the pace of automation ofproduction. In this paper, currently on the market can not be achieved mechanicallyinserted cited firecrackers process of automatic production lines, and firecrackersinserted cited low production process safety issues, the use of mechatronic systemsdesign ideas, designed and developed a fully automated plug firecrackers Citedequipment. Through the automatic transmission firecrackers cake material, clampingposition, feed, plug lead, translocation, and other integrated action to achieve accuratepositioning firecrackers cake, plug cited the high reliability requirements and achievefirecrackers lead automatic plug lead, to achieve the security of firecrackers plug leadproduction, greatly reducing the labor service, improve production efficiency andreduce production costs. This article cited automatic machine machine insertedfirecrackers were analyzed system has been designed for its overall shape, themechanical structure and control system. The main work is as follows.(1)Based on firecrackers automatic machine plug lead functional requirementsand technical specifications, based on modular design method proposed firecrackersautomatic plug lead the overall design of each module assembly machine design, andfor each module completed a detailed structural components design.(2)application of the Monte Carlo method, based on MATLAB softwarereliability analysis, motion of the rotating components of precision positioning clampinstitutions. According to the positioning error distribution scale clamping memberinstitutions through a series of sampling function, kinematics combined with amathematical model to calculate the corresponding error angle, statistical agenciesmotion error is less than the allowable number of motion errors, has been locating andclamping accuracy requirements of different sports bodies under the value ofreliability. (3)Based on firecrackers automatic machine plug lead functional requirementsand technical specifications, the overall scheme of automatic firecrackers plug leadmachine control system is studied. The overall plan for each hardware module hasbeen designed to give the automatic indexing system inserted firecrackers softwaredesign and program implementation, and the implementation of stepper motor modulecontrols the movement of the agencies conducted a field test.(4)This article is designed and developed for automatic machine firecrackersinserted cited economic analysis of the project’s product. First product for the projectconducted a survey of market-oriented, a clear market positioning of the product ofthe project. The project analyzes the characteristics of the product, and majorcompetitors comparative advantage of similar products, as well as the main mode ofeconomic profit and consumers to buy other issues.
Keywords/Search Tags:Automatic firecrackers fuse-inserting machine, structural design, movement precision and reliability, MCU, economic analysis
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