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Color Psychology In Personal Image Design

Posted on:2013-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2181330422475114Subject:Personal image design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Personal image design, a new type of plastic arts, belongs to the category ofvisual communication design. The designer or designees "communicate" their ideasto others so as to attract others’ attention and consequently give others deepimpression. Personal image design contains people’s natural attribute and socialattribute both of which should be considered in design. These two kinds of attributesare associated with the external image and the internal image. Perfect image designshould enable the external image to express the designee’s rich internal image andindividual glamour.Color design plays a most important role in image design. Primitive peopleexpressed their life-instinct spontaneous color feeling, emotion and imaginationthrough pastel body. Different colors will bring different psychological experiencesand reflect different personality characteristics. Color is neither good nor bad,people in different regions have different collective color trends, and gradually,these colors tends will become monochromatic worship which is inheritedgeneration by generation, and has rooted in the hearts of the people until today.Red, the color of blood, is considered to be the color of life, rich in unlimitedvitality, inspiring, and energy arousing. Its wavelength is approximately630to750nanometers, the color with the longest wavelength in the human visible spectrum.The primitive would place red powder next to the dead; the worshippers worshipheaven with blood; red is defined as orthodox color by Confucius, and since then,whatever dynasties change, red has been deeply rooted in all Chinese’ hearts. Inrecent years, scholars and private groups are trying to revive the traditional culture,red is present in more and more important occasions, and consequently the marketof red costume combined with modern science will be more and more enlarged, reddress will sell better and better. External image reflects the real inner image.According to the results of four basic types of temperament analysis table studied inGreece times,16PF characteristic diagram as well as the big five model, those wholike red are open, emotionally instable and sensitive. Market research finds that, redcostume account few market shares, because red has longer wavelength and more serious stimulation for retina, and many people do not know how to well match redclothing. The mismatch of different colors will cause the entire dress ugly, andconsequently many people don’t buy red dress. However, this does not mean thatred dress can not sell well. Through matching experiments and contrast, it is foundthat red dress can be harmoniously matched by changing the color proportions,brightness, purity and the decorative streak.According to the Opponent Colors Theory, Instant Color Contrast Theory aswell as the interaction effect of personality traits and environment, red dress canhelp us to be found and deeply impressed easily in interpersonal communication.According to different characteristics of occupation, more red can be noticeable andattracting; red clothing accessories or small red area can be ornaments, making thepersons look lively and cheerful. According to the different seasons and differentoccasions to be present, red dress can be preferred in order to enhanceattractiveness.Personal image design does not refer only to the external image design, butshould be done according to the designee’s personality traits as well as thepersonality trait of information-transmission side. Personal image designpractitioners should in-depth understand the psychological response color brings,and accordingly the design should achieve perfect combination of figure andimage.The future personal image design is not only for people themselves, but onlyfor their way of life, and guide people’s consumption trend. Dress selection shouldnot only follow the fashion, but also respect the traditional culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Persoal image design, Color, Red, Personality trait, Dress collocation
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