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Higgs Boson Mass In Nmssm With Right-handed Neutrino

Posted on:2015-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L YouFull Text:PDF
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The standard model (SM) is a very successful model, predicting a lot of par-ticles which were later discovered one after the other by experiment, especiallythe Higgs particle discovered in2012with the mass of125GeV. However stan-dard model also has its drawbacks: such as the hierarchy problem, the masslessneutrinos, no dark matter candidates, and too many input parameters and so on.The Supersymmetry theory gives a natural solution to the hierarchy problem,also provides a candidate for dark matter and achieves gauge coupling unifi-cation. Among supersymmetric models, the minimal supersymmetric standardmodel (MSSM) has been extensively studied. However, the recent discovery of theHiggs with mass of125GeV incurs the little hierarchy problem. In addition, themodel has-problem. So the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model(NMSSM),i.e., a single state S to the minimal supersymmetric model is proposedto solve these two problems. Note in so many above models, the neutrino massproblem did not get a solution.In this paper we introduce the neutrino N to Next-to-Minimal Supersym-metric Standard Model to solve the problem also study the impact to Higgs massfrom the right of neutrino N and its partner. Since we assume that there areZ3symmetry, in the right-handed neutrino superfield the right-handed neutri-no N get a TeV-scale mass through the SNN coupling when S develops a vev.Thus, from couplings SNN and SHuHd, as a mixture of Hu, Hdand S, the SM-like Higgs particle can naturally couple with the right-handed neutrino/sneutrino.As a result, the TeV-scale right-handed neutrino/sneutrino may significantly con-tribute to the Higgs boson mass. To calculate one loop the neutrino/sneutrinocontribution to the Higgs mass, we choose the mixed renormalization scheme,that is, the renormalization of part of the parameters is on shell, the other partis DR renormalization to get finite terms of diferent parameters. We find thatin part of input parameter space, the contribution to the mass of SM-like Higgsfrom right-handed neutrino/sneutrino makes the higgs with mass of125GeVexplanation more naturally than others.
Keywords/Search Tags:NMSSM, Higgs mass, right-handed neutrino
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