This paper introduces the background of the tropical eastern IndianOcean (TEIO) at first, briefly presents the HYCOM patterns and theestablishment of a numerical simulation model, and focus on usingsimulated data and observation data to analyze the hydrology andcirculation characteristics and their seasonal changes in TEIO.Simulating results reflect the characteristics of temperature, salinityand flow and also show the unique hydrology and circulationcharacteristics during monsoon and its transition period in TEIO.First of all, using the observational data in April2013of theNational Foundation of the eastern Indian Ocean oceanographic cruisesfor comprehensive scientific investigation, this paper analyzes thehydrological characteristics of the tropical eastern Indian Oceancirculation and verifies the model data from HYCOM. The results show thatthe temperature is high at the study area and higher at East than atWest; the equatorial Wyrtki jet(WJ) and equatorial undercurrent (EUC)carry a lot of high saline water of Arabian Sea transporting eastward,which are both strong; at the cross-section of81°E, the fluxes of WJand EUC are4.76SV and12.18SV,respectively; the South EquatorialCounterCurrent (SECC) is also found,and its core appears around5°Swith a larger flow flux of7.4SV; compared with the HYCOM simulationresults,it indicates that HYCOM could model the hydrology and circulationfeatures of the eastern Indian Ocean well. Based on the simulation data, the tropical hydrology and circulationcharacteristics of the eastern Indian Ocean is obviously affected by themonsoon. The upper circulation is driven by monsoon, and it has apparentseasonal variation, so do the spatial and temporal distributions oftemperature and salinity. The appearance and disappearance of WJ and EUC,the periodic occurrence and movement of SECC, as well as the velocitychanges are the seasonal variability in this area.This paper also use the model data from2000to2013to study WJ andEUC during spring, which reveals that show the WJ generally occurs duringthe end of March to early April, and gets the maximum flow flux untilmid-April with13.06SV averagely; EUC is not stable every year, and theCounter EUC usually appears at about45days after WJ happens. |