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On The Development Of Banks On Line And Its Influence Over Banking In General

Posted on:2007-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X G ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2179360185960792Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Banking has always been keeping developing with the progress of the information technology since it came into being in the seventeenth century. But it began to have the unprecedented challenges in its service scope, operation modes, management concepts and competition patterns that had been in practice for so many years after 1990s, when came the age of information with the internet as its typical sign, and the popularity of both the information technology and the web technology.How the banks of our country keep going under the present web economic situation has become a serious subject concerning our banking development. Web banking, an ever new financial operation mode, will provide a very good development platform for the further deep reforms of the financial systems and for the enhancement of the key competing power of our banking industry. Some experts predicted that those banks which have not developed their services on line before 2005 will be in danger of being counted out.As the leading mode of the world financial industry in 21st century, web banks are gaining more and more attention because of its low cost and bright prospects. Web banks point out the direction of the development of the modern banks and indicate a boundless development of its own.Starting from Dec.11, 2006, when the transitory period of our country's entrance into the WTO, foreign banks will enjoy the same civil treatment as that of the banks of our own. They will be entitled to have their legal management, justifiable competition and services to deal with the RMB business of the urban and rural people. Foreign banks will take advantage of their unlimited web technology to fulfill their tele-services and make up for their disadvantages of less business centers and of small scales. The Chinese banks will have to compete with foreign banks in the financial services on line. How to choose the mode of our country's web banking and solve the problems that exist in the home and abroad environment of its development is a must for us to handle.Doubtlessly, he who has an upper hand in the web banking field, will have a cutting edge in the future banking competition. The Chinese banks must make creative economic transformations in the field of web banking and in the field of our management, by means of technological creativities and upgrades, to enhance the key competing power of our banks.It is only a short period of ten years since web banking appeared and grew, with its principles and practice still under development. This paper is intended to undertake some research and analysis so as to come up with some good ways to promote the coordinative and orderly development of the web banking of our country.The structure of thesis as follows:The first chapter gives a brief introduction of the web banking, undergoing some analysis of its concept, its connotation, its functions and systems, and briefing the general development of the web banking of the world. It first employs the analytic method of SWOT to analyze the advantages and the disadvantages, the opportunities and the risks that go along with the web banking development home and abroad and suggest policies for the development of our country's web banking development.Based on the analysis made in the first chapter, the second chapter makes further...
Keywords/Search Tags:web banks, development, economic analysis, banking, analysis on influences
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