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A Study On Agricultural Marketization In Jilin Province

Posted on:2007-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M ZouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2179360182998177Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agriculture marketization,one of prerequisites that accelerate the development ofagriculture, is not only an important step breakthrough the bottleneck that restricts the reformand the development of agriculture, but also a key move to deal with the challengesaccompanied with the entry of the WTO. Moreover, it is a precondition to promoteagriculture modernization. Although we have gained great achievement in the agriculturereform in Jilin province,we still confront some difficulties resulted from some shortcomings,such as, defects of the market system, the undergrowth of agriculture entities, and thedistemperedness of production essential market. Besides, the social service system incountryside and macro adjustment to agricultural economy needs to be improved.Focusing on current phenomena as well as the problems that appear in the process ofagriculture marketability, this thesis intends to summarize the meaning, the characteristics,and the significance of agriculture marketability. Then, analyze the situations and problems inthe process of agriculture marketization in order to give advices to promote the marketabilityin Jilin province .This thesis is comprised with 4chapters. The first part lists the domestic and foreigntheory and the practice related to agricultural marketability. It also summarize the main pointsof view on agricultures marketability according to western development economics. Thesecond Chapter states the definition and characteristics of agriculture marketability . The thirdpart is the core of this thesis. By analyzing main problems that agriculture marketability inJilin province have to be solved, the author intends to find out the advantages anddisadvantages of agriculture marketability in Jilin province. The government policies andlegal environment are also analyzed in the part. The last chapter finds out the solutions ofthose problems. Those solution can be summarized as methods followed: 1. to foster themarkets entities that are mainly consist of farmers of farmers' organization;2. to promote themarketability of production essentials;3. to accelerate the construction of market system ofagricultural products;4. to incorporate the agriculture market with the internationalmarket;5. to reinforce the standardization of agricultural products;6. to consummate the lawand regulations on agriculture marketability.
Keywords/Search Tags:agriculture marketizatian, market players, marketsystem
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