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The Research On The "Omen"

Posted on:2006-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuangFull Text:PDF
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The "omen" is one of the folklore items, belonging to the field of folk religion. From the thou and now, the notion of the "omen" had bedded profoundly into the mind of the Chinese.The "omen" originates from the divination. The ancients drill on the back of tortoises or on other beasts' bones , and then burn them on the fire, studying the crack's shape to settle whether it is auspicious or not .The cracks which show the auspicious or ominous are called the "omen" . Later people thinks that everything which can predict auspicious omen or ominous omen can be called the "omen".The "omen" can be divided into the "natural phenomena omen", "geography omen", "human body omen"(including the "dream omen", "face-reading omen" etc.),"arithmetic numbers &language omen" , other type of omen according to the difference of the objects.The theory of "omen" is based on these doctrines such as "everything has its soul", "the nature and human unites as one", "the inhere of the super-natural power" etc.Many books recorded lots of cases that according in which the "omen" came true. Why it had such high accurate rate ? The writer thinks that it is mainly caused by this kind of or that kind of artificial factors.The functions of the "omen" consist of these aspects:(l) dispersing some knowledge and experience which have the practical sensus to agriculture.(2)the influence to the high ranks (3)the influence to the common people.
Keywords/Search Tags:omen, the notion of "omen", function
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