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XML Based EDI Electronic Commerce Platform Design And Development

Posted on:2011-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360332957268Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the world's information technology continues to evolve, the company's large number of daily business operations are gradually being transferred by hand the corresponding software system automatically processing, e-commerce companies in a company through the Internet to achieve the exchange of information between or within the company to achieve. With the development of computer technology from the beginning to now there are many software and hardware environment, development tools of different software and hardware systems developed by different companies used different types of platform, there is no difference between the computers you want to achieve the information No error handling has become a plague e-commerce technology promotion and development problems. Existing design technical design ideas and implementation allow enterprises to pay the cost of the program difficult to accept, does not meet the user's actual demand. Therefore, relevant demand-driven enterprise requires a new computer technology to meet customers reduce costs and improve efficiency requirements.The development and application of e-commerce has become a major Internet applications, based on web1.0 first generation of Internet technology can not meet the new e-commerce models such as business to business, business to government, individuals, etc. to the government. The main reason is the absence of a uniform protocol to standardize the data exchange standards between networks. Internal management information, production data, the flow of funds between different enterprises, product sales information needs to buy different platforms and different data management information exchanged between systems and storage. XML (Extensible Markup Language) technologies, to meet the user's unrestricted cross-platform data exchange and storage needs and achieve a low-cost, high efficiency, cross-platform data transfer.The development of e-commerce in foreign countries, but from there to the present 10 years, but developing very fast turnover of e-commerce in developed countries has accounted for approximately one-third of total commodity sales (there are some differences in different countries), there a number of e - the leading business enterprises, such as the Amazon Bookstore, Yahoo, Dell and so on. E-commerce applications is very wide, different types of models, the results obtained is not the same. Among them, divided by trading partners is the most commonly used method. According to the method of e-commerce can be divided into B2B, B2C, C2C, B2M, M2C, B2A (ie B2G), C2A 7 kinds of patterns.E-commerce to reduce the human and material resources to reduce the overhead costs, due to the characteristics of the network to enable e-commerce breakthrough in the traditional business transactions in time and space constraints, improve business efficiency. E-commerce has the openness and global characteristics of the enterprises to create more business opportunities, get more benefits, improve the competitiveness of enterprises. Has changed the traditional pattern of circulation of commodities, reducing the intermediate links, producers and consumers can deal directly. Commodities through the network to complete the entire process.Thus, in e-commerce system function modules include: product promotion, business consulting, online sales, online payment, transaction management and other functions. With the aid of e-commerce platform release all kinds of business information, and customers can take advantage of business platform to obtain the necessary commodity information retrieval tools. The parties involved in electronic transactions can take advantage of real-time and non real-time communication tools (such as QQ, MSN, e-mail, etc.) documents, voice, video, way off-site commercial exchanges. The final adoption of XML-based EDI technology to complete the entire e-commerce activities: through a bank or credit card companies achieve online payment for physical goods or other materials through its own distribution companies in goods; for non-physical goods (such as software, audio-visual products, etc.) can be directly used network data transmission technology to send to the client.E-commerce system is to ensure that e-commerce activities in order to achieve the foundation. E-commerce system architecture: first, the need for a network platform, from e-commerce service providers, including access service provider (IAP), content service providers (ICP), service provider (ISP), Application Service Provider (ASP) to provide information send all the necessary services; followed by the e-commerce-based platform, by the CA certificate, payment gateway and a central component of customer service, in which CA certificate is the core; Finally, a variety of e-business applications, including enterprise internal network system, enterprise management information systems, e-commerce site composed of three parts. Within the enterprise network system of information transmission media, enterprise management information system is information processing, handling tools, e-commerce enterprises to expand the online market site is a window.XML (Extensible Markup Language) is the abbreviation for Extensible Markup Language, is a very flexible text-based data format. Was originally developed for the electronic publishing industry, a technology with the development of the Internet XML data exchange on the network an increasingly important role. The purpose of this chapter is to specify the current development of XML and XML technology, features, and its structure.XML document storage unit known as the entities, it contains no analysis or parsing data. Analysis of the data is from the characters, morphological characteristics of data, macro composition. Coded tags used for text layout and logical structure. XML provides a mechanism for text layout and logical structure to make the limit. There is a software component called the XML parser is used to read XML documents and provide access to the file's contents and structure. Based on an XML parser to do another program called the XML application.XML is the most widely used network transmission of data format, in which XHTML is based on XML built. XML look like a simple and profound meaning there is, XML is based on plain text, and most initially evolved from SGML. SGML is a standard general-purpose standard language abbreviation. SGML age-old, back in the era of WEB is not dominant, has emerged, generally used to save the attribute information of electronic documents or do data exchange, due to the complex SGML, resulting in a relatively high learning costs, and gradually to the people to abandon. XML lessons SGML attendant advantages of simplified gradually being accepted, has become today's industry standards.This system is based on JDatastore and InterBase as the database, using XML integrator of distributed database package will be distributed database, the data according to certain algorithms and DTD into XML documents, XML documents at the same time the changes will be mapped to the corresponding distributed database in order to provide access to CORBA services to outside clients. Various aspects of distributed database, heterogeneous devices are completely integrated shielding, the outside world saw only as a CORBA object with a unified DTD, XML documents.Front-end interface using XML + XSLT parsing technology, you can parse XML data directly into XHTML, is running in the browser, XHTML has a good cross-platform, system is not only compatible with PC platforms on all browsers, on mobile platforms can also be a normal run.Paper itself is only discussed the contents of Java technology in e-commerce system in a simple application. Completed to a number of unresolved issues, such as how to optimize the system, so how to improve the development process will be the main direction of the study authors.
Keywords/Search Tags:XML, EDI, Electronic Commerce
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