By using LMI approach and Lyapunov stability theory, the problems of robust passive control, out-put feedback H ? control and memorial state feedback H? control for different uncertain singular systems with time delays are discussed in the thesis. The main results and contributions are described as follows:(1) The problem of robust passive control for singular systems are discussed. A sufficient condition and design method of robust passive controller are obtained, which guarantee the closed-loop system robust stable and strictly passive. The conclusion is presented with LMI form easily solved by LMI toolbox.(2) The problem of out-put feedback robust H? control for a class of nonlinear singular systems with multiple time-delays is discussed. By building parameter-relevant Lyapunov function, using LMI approach, the design of out-put feedback H? controller assure the closed-loop system generalized quadratic stable with H? performance.(3) The problem of memorial state feedback control for a class of discrete-time singular systems with uncertainty is considered. A kind of memorial state feedback controller is given as LMI form to ensure that the closed-loop system is regular, impulse free, stable with H? performance. Lastly a numerical example is proposed to illustrate the effectiveness of the result. |