This paper consider the problem of designing a robust stabilizing and output feedback controller for uncertain time-delay discrete-time singular system. Consider the uncertain time-delay discrete-time singular system described byWhere x(k)∈Rn is the state variable, u(k)∈Rm is the control input, y(k)∈Rp is the measured output,d is the unknown constant integer time-delay,and 0 < d < (?), (?) > 0 is the known integer.The matrix E∈Rn*n is singular and rankE = r < n, A∈Rn*n, B∈Rn*n,Ad∈Rn*n and C are real constant matrices,△A,△Ad and△Bare norm-bounded uncertain parameter matrices,,and are assumed to be of the following form[△A△Ad△B ] = E1Fk [ F1 F2 F3 ] (2) Where E1 ,F1, F2 and F3 are known constant matrices with appropriate dimensins, Fk∈Rα*β are unknown matrix satisfying FkT Fk≤I (3)Throughout this paper ,our purpose is to design a static controllerand a dynamic controller∑c: (?)such that the closed-loop system formed by system (1) and the controllers is admissible for all uncertainties satisfying (2)and (3).First, we consider the system without the exogenous disturbance signal,when E in the system (4) is nonsingular ,Theorem 1 gives sufficient LMI condition such that the nominal unforced singular time-delay system of system (1) is admissible ;then the robust output feedback controller is discussed based on similar method , and LMI condition is obtained.Theorem 4 gives the LMI condition that there exist a static controller such that the closed system is admissible ,and the method of designing the static controller.Theorem 5 gives the LMI condition that there exist a dynamic controller such that the closed system is admissible ,and the method of designing the dynamic last we illustrate the validity of the result provided in this paper with a numerical example. |