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Research Basic Operations In DNA Computing

Posted on:2011-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360308458549Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
DNA computing has become a focus research. DNA computing is a new calculation method based on bio-molecular structure, molecular biology techniques, creating a precedent of biochemical reaction as a calculation tool. Because of its huge parallel computing, it has become a new method to solve difficult computing problems, especially showing its great potential in solving NP hard problems. More and more researchers joined the study.DNA computing is a major source of single-stranded or double-stranded form DNA chain bases widely in vivo, and computing resources are very rich. In recent years, the DNA computing research has from the beginning of the experimental phase gradually into the practical stage; from a single type technology has developed into a diversified technology; gradual expansion from a simple structure for the complex structure. With the continuous development of biotechnology, DNA computing is applied to the biological more and more. The rapid development of molecular biology, DNA computing and molecular biology-related operations will gradually mature and simple, and this is a wide space and good prospects for the development of DNA computing provides. Currently, about DNA computing and DNA computer research and development speed is amazing, and the theoretical research and experimental methods of research has made great progress.This thesis make depth analysis that is based on DNA computing has solved many problems and the development of modern molecular biology and biochemical operations more mature. It makes main aspects of work:①Classified in experimentation with the basic operation of the experiment Based on the number of existing operations to solve the problem of induction, summarize, compare, refine, present a unified test process in accordance with the basic calculation of the basic operation of DNA, divided into three phases: preparation experiment phase, calculation phase, read out the solution phase.②Divided into test tubes methods and surface methods of the basic operation In this thesis used test tubes and on the surface,classified in experimentation with the basic operation, to use the experimental method to express different.③Experiment with in accordance with the basic operation of the process of DNA computing in vitro expression of the way Hamilton path based on the problems and surface-based approach for the minimal cover problem.In this thesis, the basic operation of a typical expression of the two difficult computational problems, the problem extended to other similar statements, and computer simulation program designed to prove that DNA computing solved in polynomial time. Basic operations of DNA computing achieve a unified problem-solving process.This thesis in-depth introduces the basic operation of biological and chemical processes, simplification of some complex operations, to further address the operation of molecular biology ambiguity. It is able to build a relatively simple platform without too much attention to the basic principles behind the operation, for the solution to the problem formulation facilitated.
Keywords/Search Tags:DNA computing, Basic operations, HPP, MVCP
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