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Sending And Receiving Test Samples Based On Measuring R&D Office System

Posted on:2011-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360305955249Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to thoroughly implement the measures should be strengthened for mandatory inspection on the management of measuring instruments, 2007, AQSIQ issued a "Circular on carrying out a mandatory inspection on the work of measuring instruments on file," which called provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities quality technology Oversight Board in October 2010 before the full completion of all administrative regions with the mandatory inspection of all of the documentation of measuring instruments, and archiving of data uploaded to the AQSIQ's "strong inspection work measurement apparatus management system" , achieving online files dynamically updated and management.At all levels of Quality and Technical Supervision Inspection of the strong documentation of considerable attention in 2008 on the upload of nearly 300 million pieces (not including water, electric heat 4 tables) archiving data. However, in this work to carry out inspection on file in the data mainly come from the strong levels of technical institutions, technical agencies at all levels, most still use manual way of statistical reporting, the lack of supplementary information technology support means, generally felt archiving difficult, Update difficult, the operation is difficult. With the socio-economic development and work of the acceleration of production, which means the original hand-statistics reported the amount of information with the skyrocketing contradictions of modern society will be exacerbated.From a global point of view, promote the government departments, office automation, networking, electronic, comprehensive information sharing has become a trend. The United Nations Economic and Social Affairs to promote information technology as the governments of developing countries in recent years, the focus of hope that through application of information technology to improve government organization and reorganization of public administration, the ultimate realization of office automation and information resources sharing. In countries around the world actively promote the "information superhighway" of the five applications, the "e-government" was listed as the first one, the other four areas are e-commerce, distance education, telemedicine, electronic entertainment, it can be said Government information is the basis of social information, while the subordinate institutions of information technology also needs came into being. With the socio-economic development and industrial production accelerated, the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection services for the metering testing proposed "improve efficiency, reduce cost of management," work objectives. The application of computer information management technology can solve exactly this problem with modern computer and network communication technology as a platform, drawing on WMS, and LIMS software, organizational framework and feature set, specify a set of measures for the detection of technical institutions at all levels of information technology solution, namely, develop "measurement testing business management system" software. In order to entrust a single main line, to achieve commission board, task allocation, test control, charging management and process management. Managers can be software, from a variety of different angles to query statistics, observation and analysis, decision-making basis for the Authority to provide measurements.Measurement testing business management system overall objective: in the database and advanced development platform, using existing data resources, develop a system of well-structured, easy expansion, easy to maintain, and has a good human-computer interaction interface, the measurement of test operations management systems to bring the instrument to send and receive, test, certification, fees, performance and other aspects of the overall management, combined with real-time intelligence warnings, reports and other functions.Sample Input Portal through the establishment of the sample received samples of the accounting and internal circulation.1. Sample receiver to receive samples of the Rapporteur to complete the work, will be entrusted to a single sample of the third entry clerks to conduct joint cross-computer-entry tasks.2. Under the factory staff who one-third joint commission to handle computer input devices mailroom procedures.3. Sample entry clerks should check the Orders of the complete situation, complete the non-standard or incomplete shall be returned to re-fill.4. Sample entry clerks under the Orders Portal in the sample received the "Registration Record" on the entry, should pay attention to the integrity of information input and normative (especially the entry of Annex and Notes), pay attention to the amount of information that have been building a database of supplement and to entrust to fill out a single unique identification number.5. Entry completed, entry clerks to print out samples of paste that uniquely identifies the sample or samples Packing boxes (box), the sample receiving member to print out samples of transfer single (triple), into the sample flow stage.The sample flow entry work is completed, enter the sample flow phase.1. Sending sample: Reception staff will be holding the sample flow of a single sample sent to a laboratory. Laboratory sample receipt of persons by transfer of a single check sample status, accessories and Remarks, etc., the situation may not be inconsistent with the receipt, lack of spare parts or instructions, etc. After receiving the sample required to indicate on a single flow from the sample receiving member is responsible to the customer obtain, and less waiting time. Receiving personnel to complete the transfer of work to be a single sign in the sample flow, sample flow of orders from the first joint custody of the sample receiving member, the second and third joint leaving lab.2. Sample return: For the lab found that the laboratory receives can not afford Verification / calibration / test / test sample, after approval by the director may apply for refund procedures. Returned samples are required to submit an application mailroom equipment, mailroom person in charge made by the instrument dealing with views of the newspaper business after approval of the Minister to implement.3. Fill Cost: Lab Verification / calibration / testing / inspection process is measured to be in control of Jilin Province to complete the verification fee.4. Sample return: From laboratory responsible for sampling, sample transfer orders, a certificate a copy of the returned equipment mailroom sample library, and with the sample distribution clerks perform the handover procedure. Sample distribution clerks enter "to receive back to live" interface, to confirm sample return, and carefully checked the samples, sample transfer orders, certificates, and whether the copy of the certificate meet the requirements to confirm correct sample transceiver after the transfer of a single member of the sample on a signed and sealed, a mailroom equipment to stay together for the record, a joint from the laboratory to save (hold this together for reimbursement for travel under the plants). Sample issue1. Reminders Collar: The samples were returned after the end of the day the sample clearing member shall be sent reminders to customers receive notice. Reminder notice can be taken to receive telephone, fax, e-mail, letters and so on in different forms, but must send and receive online record in the sample.2. Contributions: collect samples, customers should first conduct Contributions. Customers should hold a single second joint commission to carry out the sample at the cost of clearing members to pay or settlement (transfer or remittance in advance), the clearing member of the sample into the "settlement receivable" interface, the query should pay costs to notify clients, customers pay a fee, Sample clearing member in the "clearing receivables" interface for checkout, and print accounting vouchers, invoices issued to customers and invites customers to sign the invoice. The completion of cost-recovery work, the sample settlement of the commission members signed and sealed by a single second together.3. Issued sample: Customers who pay a fee, commission a single second-linked to the sample distribution clerks office to receive samples, the sample distribution clerks check whether commissioned by a single member of a settlement signed and sealed, enter "taken issue" interface controls Orders to fulfill issued after the release procedures, release the sample should be carefully checked Orders, samples and certificates or reports, to confirm correct and sent to customers and handling procedures for the transfer of the signature.
Keywords/Search Tags:measurement, sample delivery, test, calibration
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