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Research On Pu Xixiu's Late Stage Works And Her Tragic Destiny

Posted on:2011-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J DanFull Text:PDF
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Pu Xixiu is one of the most famous journalists in our country. With brilliant talent and professional ethics, she has an excellent career in the field of media for twenty years. Behalf of the intellectuals in the 20th century, her thoughts, political opinions and her life experience are complicated and significant for studying the society phenomenon in that period of time. This article focuses on her press works and media activities between 1949 and 1957, which is the late stage of her career. The article also gives a little discussion of her tragic life.Pu Xixiu worked for the Wen Wei Po after the War of Liberation. During this time she once visited North Korean and Xin Jiang Province. At the same time, her reporting style was changing and becoming different with the style which is before the War of Liberation. Her news reports always singing the praises of the government and the new China, lack of penetration and rational analysis. Pu Xixiu was not the only journalist who was changed. It happened on Peng Zigang, Chu Anping and a lot of liberal intellectuals as well. In 1957, her career was ended during the Anti-Rightist Campaign. But the frustration in politicking not destroyed her trust of Communist party. On the contrary, it enhanced her desire of being a communist. In 1965, Pu Xixiu fell in with rectum cancer. She suffered a lot during the Cultural Revolution. Pu Xixiu's remarkable thoughts and life experience representative of that generation of intellectuals who had been through the War of Liberation, foundation of new China and Anti-Rightist Movement and also have typical epochal character.Therefore, this article gives Pu Xixiu an objective criticism via studying of her late stage published works and her tragic destiny as a pioneer left-leaning journalist who is outside the communist party under that historical background. The whole paper is composed of three parts. The fist part is about the analysis of her late stage writing style transition which is based on her original scripts. The second part gives the reasons of her transition at that historical time. Because of the political atmosphere of the New China, reform of the systems of press and her political tendency and belief, all the above contribute to her alteration. The last part comments Pu Xixiu's tragic life. Since the relationship with Luo Longji, Pu Xixiu was marked as the Rightist in 1957. And she was persecuted in political campaign. Pu Xixiu's whole life is a tragedy and also an epitome of intellectuals in those days.
Keywords/Search Tags:Writing Style Transition, Political Orientation, Anti-Rightist Movement, Luo Longji, Tragic Destiny
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