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Key Technologies On 120-Wagon Air Brake Training System

Posted on:2011-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360302970400Subject:Safety Technology and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the main part of wagon brake is used in China currently, 120 wagon air brake valve hold the leading position of China's railroad brake, consequently, the personnel higher skill levels of the 120 brake valve maintenance were required. As the compact internal cavity, the complex air brake principle, and the effect of employee training can not be satisfied because of single training method and lack of teachership. it is not conducive to high-speed rail development. According to this situation, it is of great engineering significance to develop a training system which is suit for the structure and working pinciple of the rail system 120 air brake valve. Under this background, the 120 wagon air brake simulation training system is studied in this subject.This paper based on 3-D simulation technology, aiming at improving the deficiencies current training system existed, for the first time developed a training and teaching system fit for railway lorry based on the principles of brake. This system demonstrated the principles of brake and the role of bit parts through 3-D and interactive mode, included building up model, gas exhibition, come true the system and so on, complied the rule to make the system easier to be operated and doing students a big favor mastering the principles.The implementation of the triangle mesh simplification algorithm, improved the rendering speed effectively. Through analyzed the progressive mesh simplification algorithm, proposed half-edge collapse simplification algorithm. Simplifying the brake mesh model, solved the conflict between model complexity and storage, transmission, processing, real-time rendering.The gas particle system of air brake is developed based on physical modeling method, the basic principle and working flow of particle system, and several technology including texture mapping, billboard, and impostering are employed, combined with Maya, so as to make authenticity and real-time realized at the same time.This system take advantage of the key frame of 3D amination to realize motion simulation of the componants of the brake, and training effeciency is improved via realtime switch of 2D and 3D display system. The contratiction of authenticity and realtime performance of the particle system is in studied, meanwhile, the material property is utilized to help obtain fidelity of system. Mask and collision detection are combined to better restrict the movement of gas particle, and have finally solved the problem of particle spillover.The system can be used as the railway wagon brake training tool. The application of the system can not only improve the efficiency of the training for maintenance personnels, but also lower the cost. This research have made realized for the first time in the railway 120 valve principle achieve simulation training system use the pure 3D simulation approach, filled the blank of the air brake system is difficult to 3D forms in china, which has been used in training the new staffs of Meishan Rolling Stock Co., Ltd..
Keywords/Search Tags:air brake, triangle mesh simplification, particle system, collision detection, Maya
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