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Discourse Analysis On Advertorial In Newspaper

Posted on:2009-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E P ShangFull Text:PDF
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The thesis gives an analysis on the systemic research of advertorial with five parts. The introduction is a review of literature, including a review of the research about advertorial in Chinese, a conclusion of the achievements and limitations, and then a proposal of the purpose and problems to be discussed in the thesis. The research on advertorial in China has two constructive achievements. Firstly, there is an elementary comprehension about advertorial, especially based on the research of marketing with plentiful case studies. Secondly, the rationality of advertorial becomes doubtable and the solution has been discussed. Nevertheless, there are three limitations on the research of advertorial. For one thing, the definition of advertorial is devoid of researching through the two aspects as the ambiguity of the definition and the lack of the diachrony of the definition. The problem is that it is very difficult to give a relative, unitive, and definite determination. Some researchers claim that advertorial is a kind of advertisement, some think that it is a kind of corruption of the intermedium, others declare that advertorial is an infraction to journalism, which due to the overmuch analysis of the synchronic research and the lack of the diachronic definition. For another thing, the research on advertorial does not focus on the integrality of the advertorial as discourses. Finally, the above two limitations result in the simplification of the evaluation and the developmental forecast about advertorial. Based on the research of the advertorial, the author divides the research into three parts: the research on the definition of advertorial, attempting to definite the advertorial from both the diachronic and synchronic aspects; the consideration of the advertorial as a kind of discourse, including discourse analysis with special case study; and the forecast of the development of advertorial base on the former research and analysis. Chapter One is a research of the definition of advertorial, including the analysis of the analogical definitions and the qualitative analysis of the definition. Generally, advertorial refers to the combination and amalgamation of journalism and advertisement involved in the medium, which is usually used to describe the"grey zone"between the journalism and the advertisement. Specifically, advertorial is a kind of textual modality of the medium, or the texts and discourses produced by practical activities, with a specialty of transmitting advertising information with the assistant of journalism. Then the author makes a further description of the advertorial: advertorial is a derivation of the external medium releasing texts and discourses with advertising information in the modality of news through the medium. The research of the definition of advertorial has corrected the point of view such as advertorial is not sprung up recently or Sinitic. The thesis restricts the carrier of the advertorial in newspaper and has collected 83 pieces of article about advertorial and other related materials and data. Chapter Two and Chapter Three are discourse analysis about advertorial, including the analysis of texts and discourses of advertorial in practice.Chapter Two mainly refers to the framework of the advertorial text. Advertorial is also a kind of textual style of newspaper, so it has family resemblance with news discourse. The author analyses the sentence structure and semantic structure of advertorial texts by using news discourse analysis theory. The sentence structure of the advertorial texts, that is, the diagrammatic structure and surface modality structure of the advertorial texts, cannot be considered as a requirement for news discourse. Advertorial is different from news. However, the five general categories of news schema appear erratically in the advertorial texts, so advertorial seems like news. The semantic structures of the advertorial texts transform the sentences and paragraphs from the aspect of macroscopical rules of semantics and turn them into propositions. The advertorial propositions through transformation turn out the persuasion like advertisement. The analysis of the sentence structure and the semantic structure of advertorial are indicated as advertorial has inclined to news discourse in form and advertorial has inclined to advertising in content. Form is the exterior, while content is the essence.Chapter Three is an analysis of the advertorial discourse study, including the influence of the advertorial on news discourse and the construction of the constituent's discourse right. In the practice of the advertorial discourse, the advertorial controls the production process of news discourse through the control of discourse makers and texts. The production of the advertorial discourse makes the process of"principle——author——animator". The principle and the author locate at the upper layer of the process as the principal part of the advertorial discourse (i.e. the sponsor of advertising discourse) and the agent of the advertorial (company of public relations). The animator is the reporters and editors in the process of the news discourse producing and locates at the lower layer of the process. The principle and the author can control the animator by controlling the manner of producing medium affairs and source texts, which makes the principle and the author have the ability to control the production of the advertorial discourse and makes the advertorial discourse right to be established. Knowledge makes discourses, discourse determines knowledge. Discourse right comes from knowledge right and has the power of establishing objects. All the discourses are the explanations to subjects and the establishment of right and objects. Advertorial establishes the objects by knowledge discourses and gets the discourse right in the process of the objects'establishment. On the other hand, advertorial, with the assistant of the authority of news discourse, gives discourses right.The conclusion delivers evaluation on the advertorial discourse as a consumptive society culture's fulfillment. Under the condition of the consumptive culture, the economic departments outside the commercial production are gradually involved in commercial mode and the matrix of consumerism and are under the pressure of turning their activities into commodities and selling them to consumers. News discourse is disabled to escape from the pressure like that. The textual structure and producing process are used by the constituent to produce the advertorial discourse and external establish the production, brand, and discourse. According to Jean Baudrillard, the advertorial discourse has produced a delicate practical effect, the ruly continuation of the information compulsively results in the equation of the affair and the performance, the message and the advertisement from the administrative level of symbol. A real consumptive effect lies hereupon rather than in the direct advertising discourses. Under the condition of the consumptive culture, news discourse is gradually involved in the context of consumerism, conflicts with advertising, loses discourse right, and put the medium discourse into confusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Advertorial
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