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Code Analysis System Of PL/1 Programming Language

Posted on:2009-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360242481574Subject:Computer software and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As software are used more and more frequently in producing andpeople's dailylife, as the amount ofsoftwaresystems becomes largerand theprojects are growing much more complex, the manual analysis become moreand more difficult which lead the automatic analysis becoming moreimportant than ever before. As enterprises embarking on the road toinformation-based management, the competition between companies isenhanced acutely. According to the business requirement, the PL/1 programlangue analyze system is developed to simplify software product using PL/1andimprovethemanagementefficiency.This article introduces the primary development process of the CodeAnalysisSystemofPL/1ProgramLanguageasfollow:First of all, there is a brief introduction of PL/1 grammatical structure.And it will show you the advantages and disadvantages by comparing withsome other popular program languages. It will describe the technologies anddifficultiesofanalyzingprogramminglanguageincommon.Andwillselectasimpleandeffectivesolutionfrompresenttechnologies.Secondly, design the general structure of PL/1 programming languageanalyzer from requirement analysis point of view. The analyzer uses suchstrategy that making a DBS file as an intermediate product to store chiefinformation of the whole project. And determine the work flow: customersimport the project list file (.list). Analyzer will scan all the files in the list byusing lexical and grammar analysis, and gather the statistics in separateddocument and the basic functions. At last, save the statistics into DBS files.Thedatain DBS files will beusedbysome sub-systems such as Flow,Chart,HTMLReporterandDoc.Next,subsystems sort theinformationandproduceagraphicaloutput.Thirdly, designing the DBS logical structure and parsing procedure.Although the structure of DBS is relatively complex, it contains all theelementsthatareneededtoanalyzeandgatherstatistics.Usinghashtableandmemory pool to prove the efficiency of reading and writing, and reduceredundant storage files, it makes possible to share the input resource fromvarioussub-systemsinthestructureofDBSfile. Sub-systems use XML based AnalyseReport to improve developmentefficiency. AnalyseReport model is the key to enable the project to reducecoupling and make the information and technologies reusable. It uses Httpand embedded JavaScript to interpret XML then outputs statistics withdiagram which is meaningful to people. It makes no longer confined to asingle development language of the collaboration process and makes itpossiblethatmanypeopledevelopasharedprojectatonetime.Finally, designing the user interface. Define the letters, typesetting andhot key to satisfy the users'habits which make the software more easier touse. Design the window framework, message mapping, response ofinformation mechanism. At last, publics a complete PL/1 program analysissoftwareproducts.This article is reference to analyzing technology of PL/1, programminganalyzing to DBS structure and physical level framework of procedures andstatistical analysis, memory allocation and management, multi-threaded IO,HTML/XML information analysis and dynamically creation, log systemestablishment, appropriate statistical output and interactive interface designandimplementation.Intheprocessofprojectdevelopment,multipleeffectivedesign patterns are used to make the program code more stable and morereusableontheconditionthatalltherequirementssettledbeforetheyaremet.Therearethreeinnovationsinthisarticle:1. The using of DBS files which are the intermediate products forsub-systems to extract, statistic and second process. The sub-system can belooked as an individual model that will be developed independently, whichonlyshare the explanation of the structure and methods. This will reduce thecouplingasmuchaspossible,andincreaseflexibleinsystemdesign.2. The procedure of DBS designs, hash tables are used for high speeddata searching and pointer structure rebuilding, and the runtime efficiency oftheprogramisincreased.3. The using of Analyze Report pattern. It separates data into internalstructure and manifestation, which makes it possible to analysis the data indifferent views. The pattern makes reference to the following fourtechnologies: XML, XSL, JavaScript and HTML. The use of XMLdescribesthe structure of data easier and more general which is easy to translate anddispatch. The XSL achieves the mapping from data to manifestation. The using of HTML makes the output simple and familiar. JavaScript couldcontrol the outputting logic to support some easy data computation. Sincethese are already standardized technology, there are many mature third-partysoftwaretoolsavailablesothatwecoulduseiteffectivelyandreducethecostofdevelopment.The PL/1 language is useful because of simple grammar, using flexibleand low cost to learn. However, due to the limitations of the softwaredevelopment platform differences, is still a lack of support for the benefit ofits analytical tools. This system makes it easier to organize the PL/1 projectsand gather statistics with the file dependence, function features and logicflow based function. And get the results of the graphical interface output,which make the results directly and clearly. Via the auto analysis, it makesvery simple to translate the usual language into data configuration whichcomputer can understand. As the popularization of the computer, it is moreand more useful, and it is used more and more in the mature languagetranslation, auto creation of the software, document disposal and so on. Skipthe design of special file structure because of the use of XML, the use of theoutput HTML text, it makes development through the browser softwaredirectly. The use of HTML saved most of the UI coding time, reduceddevelopment costs, on the other hand, HTML is the realization of theinternational sound, you can easy cross-platform output from the systemrestrictions, but also facilitate the expansion of network developmentcooperationprogram.
Keywords/Search Tags:Programming
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