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Analysis Of Chinese Bourgeois Periodicals' Orientating Choke-point In Recipients-subdivision Era.

Posted on:2008-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D HeFull Text:PDF
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The information-exploring society brings about the concept of recipient-subdivision. The omnipresent media information congests fully into our sense organ. Whether positively or negatively take in, medium would not let any interspaces pass. To systemize the information and organize it in an orderly way without any of it dropping away, medium begins to camp themselves, enclosing the suitable recipients' communities according to their respective characteristics of products. In fact, techniques they apply and thoughts they follow are also functioning in the cultivation of readers taste. On the other hand, recipients' economic living level and educational level are also on the way of being improved, their ability of discerning and tasting the information contents, as well as their initiatives to choose the medium are accordingly improved. Therefore, as recipients-subdivision grows mature gradually and firmly, recipients are taking the positive role in their relationship with the medium. Under such a circumstance, it is more difficult to orientating the characteristics of the medium.Periodical is one of highly-subdivided medium. Those which aim at bourgeois class as their readers have gradually seized more market shares. Or to be more exact, these periodicals are usually well designed and edited, which allows them exerting deeper social effect. And for a long time they have also accumulated. It is because of the quality and quantity that more capitals are attracted to stretch their hands on this big cake, which brings not only fame but also benefice. Financial periodicals which aim at the bourgeois class people are chosen to be the research objects in this thesis. There are mainly three reasons for doing so: first, the readers of financial periodicals are much easier to be distinguished from other bourgeois readers; next, the operational ways of financial periodicals portray vividly in which field medium are investing in recently, this phenomena could be counterevidence to prove the powerful influence of bourgeois periodical on the society as a whole; finally, common problems in all the bourgeois periodicals are easier to be discerned in financial ones.The choke point that might well happened in the process of orientating a certain periodical is the object of being orientated, that is, the recipients, who are human beings equipped with infinite-possible mind and infinite-potential body, as well as self-initiative consciousness and self-determining behaviour.To solve this problem, that is, the choke point in the process of orientating a bourgeois periodical, this thesis offers the following methods:First, to distinct the range of orientation. This is not only simply choose the right readers' communities. Instead, it is in a huge and complicated system, to choose the right types of readers, then under the premise that these people are in a condition of ceaseless changing and developing, determine the right publishing channel, and finally send the right information to these people. This is a dynamic process, resembling the logic clue of satisfactory theory. Therefore, this would be proved in this thesis by the way of counterevidence.Second, to distinct the solution of the choke point. In accordance with the model offered by the theory of "use and satisfaction", analyze every single element, then elicit the conclusion.There are mainly three kinds of methods applied in this thesis: text-analyses, theory models and case-studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:recipients-subdivision, bourgeois, the positioning of Financial periodical, Policy research
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