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Research On Polarization Control In Single Mode Optical Fiber

Posted on:2007-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As one of the inherent properties of light, polarization can not be ignored in any system in which fiber is used. At present, polarization control, stability of polarization, the effect polarization type has on sensitivity of output signal are important research fields.Though the theory of polarization control through squzzing is relatively mature, there are many problems in realization. Further more, much work need to be done to control arithmetic. Some practical problems in polarization control and arithmetic are researched in this paper with self-made experiment system.Double Refraction effect in squzzed fiber is analyzed and tested. An experiment system is developed based on theoretic analysis. There are four main parts of this system:1) A PZT drive power supply. It is a 0-200V PZT drive power supply which has a ms risetime and a good linearity. Frequency is higher than 1kHz.2) Photoelectric transition circuit and 8-bit collateral digit-analog circuit.3) A Fiber squzze device.4) Data collection program and signal control program.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stability of polarization, Birefringence effect in squeezed fiber, PZT drive power supply, Data collection, LabVIEW, Photoelectric transition, Digit-analog transition
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