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Research And Application Of Erlang

Posted on:2012-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330335952733Subject:Computer Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the trend of software industry is turning from traditional selling software to providing service, from C/S to B/S, from storage and computing to the server, which are popular technologies cloud storage and cloud computing. As a result, while the customers enjoying more convenient services, the rapid grow of information is increasing the pressure of the server. Under this circumstance, Erlang gradually attracts people's attention, as its characteristics match the trend of software industry. So, the study and research on Erlang is a valuable investment, whether from the application or implementation.First of all, the thesis introduces the characteristics of Erlang. And then it focuses on the Erlang's built-in distributed mechanisms, including the flow and transparency of communication between distributed nodes.In Erlang's syntax level, the thesis studies the general server model and distributed database Mnesia. We study the implementation and processing of the message of general server model. The main researches on Mnesia are its boot process, table loading process and the transaction mechanism implementation.In the application part of the thesis, we build a distributed cluster by using the distributed mechanisms, Mnesia and general server model of Erlang. The cluster has four levels, which are the gateway layer, network layer, messaging layer and database layer, and expands into a web chat server. We also test the network processing capability and information processing capability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Erlang, Distributed, Mnesia, Cluster, Webchat
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