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Foreign Currency Card Merchant Acquirer System Design

Posted on:2011-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178330332972206Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The foreign card acquiring business is outside the cardholder by a domestic bank ATM or POS machines for RMB cash withdrawal, consumption, foreign currency check and other services. The paper will elaborate on the foreign currency card merchant acquiring systems understanding, put forward the overall design of the project objectives and detailed design of application systems, the types of business in a foreign currency card transaction data and settlement information for the management of information and data objects, build the whole new foreign currency card acquiring transaction processing, clearing processing applications and control platform. The platform offers complete and hand in foreign currency card POS and EDC single transaction processing system, merchants and terminal management, settlement and liquidate module, transaction security mechanisms, risk control mechanism and integrated information processing analysis system, customers increase the speed of transaction processing and risk control. And foreign currency card on the implementation of EMV merchant acquiring system transformation, so that domestic banks in foreign currency card acquiring business in line with international card organizations meet security specifications and fully support the EMV standard IC card and non-EMV standard magnetic stripe card transactions and liquidation. The realization of the paper uses Struts and Spring and Hibernate framework to achieve, struts in the framework of a controlling role, the core is the Controller, the ActionServlet, which is the core of ActionServlet struts-config.xml, the main control logic processing. hibernate is a data persistence layer, is an object-relational mapping tools that provides Java classes to data from the mapping table also provides data query and recovery mechanisms, greatly reducing the complexity of data access. To direct operations on the database, converted to operate on persistent objects. Spring is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) and aspect-oriented(AOP) of the container framework, interface-oriented programming, control procedures by the container between the (dependent) relationship, rather than the traditional implementation, the program code directly control. Papers from both theoretical and practical perspective on the foreign currency card merchant acquiring system, in-depth discussion, the paper first comprehensive and systematic study to build a wild card merchant acquiring system of knowledge and technology necessary means, and then build a foreign currency card from the merchant acquiring system, the first systematic study of the significance of the main content and related technologies are analyzed, and then design the system, the design goals and the overall structure of the system in detail planning, on this basis, will learn the theoretical knowledge and development of technology to the system implementation process, the completion of foreign currency card merchant acquiring system build process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foreign currency card acquiring, Struts, Spring, Hibernate
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