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Urban Community Governance In China From The Perspective Of Contract Ethics

Posted on:2014-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X TanFull Text:PDF
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Caused by a market-driven economy, the change of housing commercialization ofChina’s contemporary urban community governance structure as a shaft, which throwthe practice of community governance in contemporary Chinese cities into hugecontradictions of traditional and modern tension,So how to accurately grasp theurgent problems facing the urban community administration; scientific developmentof urban community administration follows the principles of value, and care about thecurrent development trend of city community governance vision in a rational way,which has become one of the most pressing topic of the time in the course ofurbanization in China. Ethics involved in issues of contemporary city communitygovernance, not only based on the relationship analysis of development sociology, butalso the value concern of development ethics with freedom and equality as thecontract ethics basis by the Community Relations reality locking Communitygovernance principles. The community relations reality locks community governanceprinciples, and principles of community governance to explore communitygovernance structure. Then in the existing structure of community governancediscovery the principles of conflict in community governance, and find the differentsocial relations in the principles conflict of community governance. It is controlled bythe thinking in this route, This paper will be discussed in the analysis framework ofconsistent logic and history.Both in the new city community governance in China’sthree-stage change in the study of the history of searching for historical causes of thepresent situation of urban community management, We can find the historical causesabout the current status of city community governance in the three stage of history ofnew Chinese city community governance. Back housing plan-era communitygovernance, housing cooperative community management in open era, and finallysettled into the era of commercialization of housing autonomous communitygovernance. At the same time, it also explores the ideal logic architecture of theChinese city community governance under the domination of modernization target of contemporary China, reveals its principles of value, builds its structure schema, andportrays their ideal vision. Furthermore, under the control of the ideal architecture, itinterprets the reality of current Chinese city community governance critically, revealsits value dilemmas, seeks the ways to adjust, and concerns its development trend.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contract ethics, Urban communities, Management structur
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