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Construction Of Local Government 's Intellectual Property Management System

Posted on:2015-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330431989977Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Deepening reform comprehensively is the trend of our times and the main theme of today’s China. The significant part of deepening reform is to accelerate the industrial transformation and upgrading, as well as accelerate the transformation of economic development mode. As an incentive for invention, innovation and industrial development promotion, intellectual property system is an important means of participating in international competition. In the context of economic globalization and technology advancement, the importance of the intellectual property system has become increasingly prominent. It has become an important means of promoting economic development of a country. Strengthening the construction and management of intellectual property system is an important choice to promote economic and technological development, and enhance national strength for all countries in the world. Intellectual properties undertaking started earlier in developed countries, and has gradually established a sound system of intellectual property protection and management systems. Intellectual property has become an important tool developed to guide technological innovation, industrial upgrading and optimization, economic structure adjustment for developed countries.Since China started late in the aspect of intellectual property, core technologies with independent intellectual property rights are insufficient in the process of international trade and economy, leading to more extensive industries as the basis of China’s economy. Exploiting the weaknesses of our backward intellectual property system, developed countries have been declaring patents in our country, occupying the technology market, which squeezed China’s innovation space. Since China’s accession into WTO, developed countries pressured China in the means of international technical trade barriers because of China’s inadequate intellectual property management systems. China’s domestic enterprises export products, patented technology and well-known trademarks are frequently blocked, marginalized and isolated abroad, which is caused by China’s lagging IPR management system development.Since the reform and opening up, the Chinese government gradually realized the importance of the intellectual property system to national development, began to develop intellectual property strategies, and gradually established a comprehensive intellectual property management system. Due to the late start, the construction speed of China’s intellectual property management system is still relatively slow. There are still many limitations regarding to related systems. As an intellectual property management staff of local government, from local intellectual property management perspective, the author, according to the actual working conditions, analyzes the modes and countermeasures of economic development to improve local governmental intellectual property management system, and offers related propositions. From the perspective of modern public administration, this article conducts research and exploration of local intellectual property management system from multiple aspects. Intellectual property research has not been attached importance in China, while this article attempts to cover the shortage of domestic intellectual property research. Due to the difficulties and challenges caused in the stage of construction and perfecting the intellectual property rights management system in China, the theoretical limitation of the author as well as limited research time, the depth of the study and analysis of intellectual property management system of local government in this article is yet to be furthered, and the propositions put forward in the article are not precise and perfect. The inevitable inappropriateness in this paper is await to be pended in further related studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:local government, intellectual property management system, construction
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