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An Analysis Of Li Dazhao 's View Of Marxism

Posted on:2015-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y K XiongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330431968249Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Marxist view is the important content of Marxism. As thefirst man to spread and study Marxism in China, Li Dazhao is one offounders of Chinese Communist Party. Li Dazhao has made greatcontribution to the development of Chinese society from his firsttouch on Marxism to his determination towards Marxism. Thispaper will have a comprehensive study on Li Dazaho’s Marxismfrom three aspects: formation conditions, development process andmain points. Besides, this paper will also make comments on thehistorical contribution and realistic significance of Li Dazaho’sMarxism.The paper consists of three parts. The first part mainly analyzesthe formation conditions developmental precesses of Li Dazhao’sMarxism. After Opium War, China gradually turned into asemi-colonial and semi-feudal society and small-scale peasanteconomy went into bankruptcy; The Chinese people suffered fromkinds of oppressions and became proletariats; Social issues increasedcontinually which includes westernization movement, ConstitutionalReform and Modernization, the Taiping Rebellion and the failure ofthe1911Revolution. The subjunctive conditions and objectiveconditions to make Li Dazhao a Marxist are accordance betweenChinese traditional culture and Marxism, his concern about Chinaand Chinese people and his background of Chinese and westerncountries. The victory of the October Revolution prompts theformation of Li Dazaho’s Marxism. Based on the above factors, LiDazhao became a mature Marxist at last after he explored, establishedand developed his Marxist view.The second part explores the profound theory and content structures of Marxism. Based on Marxist view, Li Dazaho’s Marxismview is established when he observe, study and work out the China’spractical problems. Li Dazaho’s Marxism view probes into andanswers a series of questions like “What Marxism is”,“what youthink of Marxism” and “How to utilize Marxism”. Li Dazhao’sMarxism is a unified theory system in which Ontology, Axiology andpractice theory integrate and affect each other.The third part illustrates the historical contribution and realisticsignificance of Li Dazaho’s Marxism. According to fundamentalprinciples of Marxism, Li Dazhao organized and establishedChinese Communist Party which showed the progressive way forthe development of Chinese society. At the same time, Li Dazhao’sMarxism brings up lots of talents and has a great impact on theformation of Maoism. The in-depth study on Marxism can make usset up correct Marxism view and strengthen our faith for the ideal ofSocialism with Chinese Characteristics. Also, the deep research onMarxism can make us enrich and develop Marxism scientificallyand stick to Marxism in China during the overall deepeningreformation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Dazhao, Marxism, Marxism view, have a study
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