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A Research Of Marxism's View Of Li Dazhao's "Youth China"

Posted on:2019-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330563991013Subject:Marxism in China
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Li Dazhao is a typical representative of modern Chinese people who descended and advanced to the West and pursued the truth of saving the country in the historical turning point of the old and new democratic revolutions.Not only inherited the achievements of the previous people to explore the truth of saving the country,but also kept abreast of the times to explore the new direction of the development of the Chinese revolution.In the face of the fact that the practice of the former people learning from the West to explore various national salvation programs did not succeed in saving China's historical circumstances,the ultimate defeat of the Revolution of 1911 and the feudal rule of the Northern Warlords made the people deeply desperate and depressed.Li Dazhao began to awaken from the humiliation and darkness with a heart of worrying about the nation and the people.He seems to have seen the possibility of the “resurrection” and “recreation” of the Chinese nation since modern times,and put forward “the creation of youth in China”.The concept of revolution and the revolutionary ideal of recreating "Youth of Youth," introducing the October Revolution of Russia and refining the Marxist doctrine with the spirit of saving the nation from the advancement of the people,has opened up a new atmosphere for learning western culture to save the Chinese nation from extinction.Crisis.The shift in the value orientation of seeking truth to save the country has changed from a capitalist national salvation plan to a Marxist national salvation plan,thus finding a scientific development direction that is different from the previous path of capitalist salvation.In a new era in China,Li Dazhao's Marxist view of “Young China” has important historical references and practical encouragement for the younger generation to firmly establish Marxist ideals and beliefs and enhance young people's forging ahead.This article uses the literature research method,the historical research method and the historical research method to combine Li Dazhao's "Young China" Marxist concept into six parts.The first part of the introduction elaborates the research purpose and research significance of the paper,and the research status of Li Dazhao at home and abroad in recent years and the research methods used in the writing of this article.The second part is Li Dazhao's proposal for "Young China." The historical background and philosophical basis proposed by Li Dazhao's "Youth and Youthful Chinese" ideal,and Li Dazhao's quest for national salvation of "Youth of Youth" are summarized,analyzed,and interpreted.In the third part,Li Dazhao's "Young China" practiced the course of Marxism.Mainly referring to Li Dazhao's cognitive transformation of the practice of saving the nation on the basis of the ideal of “Youth and Chinese”,and the recognition of science turning to Marxism,establishing Marxism as a belief,resolutely defending the truth of Marxism,and rectifying the problem of debate and controversy.The inappropriate understanding of Marxism,active propaganda of Marxism,promoted its integration with the Chinese workers' movement,combined with the working class,and made many preparations for the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party,reflecting Li Dazhao's adherence to the truth,the practice of its faith,and the strict implementation of What he knows about the revolutionary spirit.The fourth part is the Chinese characteristics of Li Dazhao's "Young China" Marxist concept.It mainly includes: the value shift of modern China in pursuit of the truth of saving the nation and the people;attaching importance to the combination of Marxism and the labor class;and creating a Marxist party in China.The fifth part is the realistic enlightenment of Li Dazhao's "Young China" Marxist view,which mainly includes: strengthening Marxist ideal and belief education;historic significance for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation;and educating the youth and demonstrating youth's vitality.The sixth part is a concluding remark,which gives a high degree of summary and summary of the content of the full text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Dazhao, Youth in China, Marxist view
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