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On The Dispute Over The Format Of American Contract Law

Posted on:2015-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2176330422973014Subject:Civil and commercial law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the modern commercial society, formal contract is being used great widely.In the business transaction, the dealing parties often ignore each other’s formalcontract differences, and competing to apply to respective formal contract. Formatwar is being the hot spot in the contract theory research for a long time, in order tosolve the problem of format war; each country adopts various solutions like mirrorimage rule, last shot rule, first shot rule and knock each other. The practice and theoryof contract law in the America is advanced undoubtedly.In this paper, the author will introduce the legislation and relevant practice offormat war in the tradition contract law of America. What’s more, the author willmake brief introduction of format war of new electronic formal contract undere-commerce background. And the author believes this paper will be helpful to thelegislation of format war in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:contract law of America, the battle of form, Knock down eachother rule
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