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Research On The Legal Problems Of Small Property Housing

Posted on:2015-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J KongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The position of the small property room is awkward and it is different beween the real lifeand the law in the beginning in Chinese territory, the law regulates that it is not alowed to beentered into the formal channels of trade, but it trades frequently in private like a raging fire.Reasons for the existence of the small property room is that collective land do not be allowed toenter the trade market in a long time, and the excessive emphasis on rural social security functionof land in the framework of China’s urban and rural two yuan land structure. The land allocationsystem deprives the rights of farmers and makes the land lost property value. The land allocationsystem becomes developers’ and local government’ profiteering tool, and it leds to more seriousgap between rich and poor people. In the background, the small property right room becomes partlegalization has positive significance, and it is the common requirements of unified urban andrural planning, rural economic development, the social public interests. It is a wise choice thatchange two yuan land system thoroughly, and establishs China’s one yuan land system. This is thebest arrangement that gradually improve China’s legal system of ownership,and make the identityof the small property right room part lawful.In view of the above situation,the author takes the situation of the small property right roomin Dandong City as an example, and makes an analysis to the legal system of the the smallproperty right room. It based on the existing laws and regulations policy and integrated weigh theinterests of all parties and point of view. The final proposal is gradually dispose the small propertyright room in different ways for different circumstances.
Keywords/Search Tags:Small property, room Binary system of land structure, Count-ermeasures
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