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On The Memory Poetics Of Bai Xianyong 's Novels

Posted on:2017-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330488495147Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bai Xianyong is the first Taiwanese writer to be introduced to mainland after new China was founded. Previous researches have focused on the understanding of time and space concept in his works. Recently, from the perspective of his family complex and writer identity, memory is also an important subject in his novel. Starting with his "About the the sum of China’s memory", this article attempts to summarize the memory characters in the novel and analyze the memory encoding of Bai Xianyong’s writing memory and further expound the conflict state between reality and memory of the characters.This thesis is divided into three parts, namely, introduction, body and epilogue.Starting from the keyword "memory", the introduction part summarizes the origin and connotation of this cultural theory and also summarizes previous novel research of Bai Xianyong and points out that the innovation of this paper lies in studying Bai Xianyong’s novels under the theoretical framework of memory cultural theory.The body is divided into three parts. Starting with "About the the sum of China’s memory" the first chapter summarizes the memories of Taipei People with "bustle" and "trauma". The memory of characters in New Yorker is mainly the inheritance and supplement of Taipei People and also the memory of American life. Besides, Bai Xianyong has remarkable memory of ancient relegate and also inherits from it in terms of expressing theme and spirit. Beginning with the memory structure of the model, the second chapter discusses how Bai Xianyong use Chinese opera to go into people’s memory and how he adopts the technique of consciousness stream and dialogue to complete the writing of memory and realize the dialectic relation with multiple narrative method and thus construct his novel world rich in memory poetry. On the basis of the first and second chapter, the third chapter expounds the conflict state between reality and memory of the characters.The epilogue part points out the achievement of Bai Xianyong’s novels and also the previous mistaking area of comparison between him and Zhang Ailing. It further states that although Bai Xianyong stops novel creation, he still leads Chinese opera him to a more broad memory field.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bai Xianyong, memory poetics
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