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Open The Light Of Wisdom

Posted on:2017-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Light and air, water and soil as an important part of nature, is a natural phenomenon. It made people realize that the world, feel the different shape and texture of objects by emitting a gorgeous variety of colors and magic, to bring a different psychological feeling.In the history of Western art truly faithful use of light to heighten the theme render the atmosphere from the beginning of Caravaggio, light use is more common in the Baroque, Romanticism, Realism,Impressionism during this time in history, especially in the realistic figurative art, the light can be used as a tool for good performance rendering object shape, texture and volume, can play a unified color screen, creating a specific atmosphere and reveal the role of theme.This paper explores the "light" is not in the traditional sense of external light, it is not only paintings, we can see the light, but a spiritual and cultural performance artist of the noble quality and artistic accomplishment of the "wisdom of light".This article will focus on the theme of "the light of wisdom". The first chapter, by analyzing the light and psychological changes people, the light has the symbolic meaning(particularly symbolic significance in the Christian West), shed light on a special spiritual quality.The second chapter, by studying the art of the Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci and optical theory, "the light of wisdom," which body has rational science; and then further integration of cultural background, history conditions, to elaborate and analyze the use of this period his masterpiece "Mona Lisa," "the last supper" and the "Virgin of the rocks" three paintings of light and for the vitality of the performance to explore the Renaissance master Leonardo he is more in order to explore how the "real world" mystery, overcome adverse conditions and secular vision, using extraordinary intellect and the will to create a miracle that shocked the world of great art.The third chapter, to further tap this effect, "the light of wisdom" in Renaissance Painting.The author believes that the "light" in the Renaissance master Leonardo’s works not only as modeling language and the color of the skills, but also reflects the infinite wisdom and creativity,and the lofty ideal, embodies the Leonardo’s noble character and art conservation.Only in this way to understand the "light" behind the spirit of quality, we can get beneficial enlightenment,thus they can better guide and practice of our creation, to make our works have the deep cultural implication.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wisdom, light, Da Vinci
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