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A Comparative Study Of Boudoir Poems In The Early And Late Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2017-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330485464316Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The boundoir resentment poetry is one of the important subjects in Chinese ancient poetry. It has a long history in our country, since from the “The Book of Songs” age. Through the Han dynasty, Wei and Jin Dynasties, it developed to it’s crest. This thesis is focused on the boundoir resentment poetries in “The whole poems in Tang Dynasty”. Basing on the analysis of the content of the boundoir resentment poetries in Tang Dynasty, the thesis mainly discusses their similarities and differences in the characters and artistic characteristics. In addition, the thesis also explores the reasons behind them.The foreword part is introduction. Firstly, this chapter will study the current situation of the boundoir resentment poetry the Tang Dynasty. Secondly, it explains the definition of the boundoir resentment poetry. Finally, it introduces the staging of the boundoir resentment poetry.The first chapter mainly describes the process of the boundoir resentment poetry, in order to have a general understanding of it.The second chapter is intended for comparing characters of the boundoir resentment poetry in early and late Tang Dynasty. The content and emotion of the boundoir resentment poetry in Tang Dynasty Although the Tang Dynasty poetry is the performance of various types of women’s Boudoir various grievances has undergone profound changes, the characters in the poems also show significant differences. The characters of Women change from single images to more images, and these images have some differences in the early and late Tang Dynasty. However, the characters of men are dedicated in early Tang Dynasty. But in late Tang Dynasty, they are both dedicated and kindless.The third chapter mainly explores the artistic features of the boundoir resentment poetry in early and late Tang Dynasty. On the emotional tone, they are from light sad to miserable. In the images, they have some common characteristics. The natural images trend to things that represent spring and autumn and evening. The non-natural images prefer tiny space. At the same time, because of the influence of the mood of the times, the natural images of the boundoir resentment poetry in late Tang Dynasty show bitter and colder, and the non-natural images present features that care their husbands.The conclusion concludes the paper. Although the boundoir resentment poetry in Tang Dynasty performs various types of women’s various grievances, they show some differences in many aspects in early and late Tang Dynasty. Because they are in the Tang Dynasty, and they are the same theme, they also have common features.
Keywords/Search Tags:Boundoir resentment poetry, in early and late Tang Dynasty, characters, artistic features
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