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Roscoe's Painting Decision

Posted on:2017-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mark Rothko, as the representative of abstract expressionism and its position in the history of art in the living artist already obtained people’s widely recognized. This article does not look like other related works of Roscoe as much from the composition of the picture, color, brush strokes an d other intuitive analysis of Roscoe’s paintings. But to Roscoe’s death as the inner spirit of the artis t to understanding the important breakthrough, using flashback of the way, from death leads- Mar k Rothko life finally painting works of art revealed information, to the classical period paintings a nd the earlier period of painting, carries on the contrast analysis, trying to through- Mark Rothko during different periods of painting works and life to reveal the art of painting in the art idea and t he spirit. From the analysis of Roscoe in the art of painting in the creation of the most essential, th e most intrinsic, the deepest level of artistic spirit of expression. Through the analysis of the chang e of Roscoe’s personal artistic language, the process of the evolution of the western modern art log ic is analyzed.
Keywords/Search Tags:art language, logic, expression
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