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The Conversion Of The Three Tones

Posted on:2016-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
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Currently, Neo-Riemannain theory in a highly developed stage, and Richard Cohn is active in the field of representative figures. I have read some of Richard Cohn’s literature, benefited from, have deep understanding on conversion the Neo-Riemannain theory and trichord. Firstly, the development of the Neo-Riemannain theory origin and its basic conversion form to carry on the elaboration, the author through to the Neo-Riemannain theory and the theory of the transformation of the new understanding, in detail in the first chapter of their knowledge of the content, including the research status at home and abroad. Second chapter is on Cohn’s literature interpretation and the two-dimensional network diagram, which will be part used to express mathematical formula conversion in words out, and examples. In a formula based on the operation, the interpretation of Cohn the twelve tone system and microtone conversion and composite conversion. The third chapter is the author through the relevant transition mode of information search and heuristic obtained in Cohen in the literature, extended to explore the problems and the related conversion mode. In this part, the author will be some reference conversion gives its definition, and with graphics, text and music the way how these conversion. Cohn’s network graph is conversion to the twelve tone system and microtone range trichords, the author from the conversion of the trichord starting, will effectively transform and invalid conversion filter, and made a mirror image conversion, this is no Cohn in the literature, the author also according to reverse thinking and repeatedly verified and out the. Because not reconciled only confined to the conversion of trichord, the author tries to do multi tone set conversion, practice has proved, Cohn’s this conversion is not applicable to multi tone all set, it has certain limitation. But happily, through the new set of experiments of some multi tone set obtained after conversion is a new tone, it provides a new idea for creation in the field.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transformations, Neo-Riemannian, Richard Cohn, Trichord
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