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On Hu Yuan 's Educational Thought And Teaching Practice

Posted on:2016-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330473960273Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hu Yuan (993-1059) was a famous educator for implementing Shi Xue of Northern Song Dynasty, Because of Living in Anding Town Shanxi (today’s Shaanxi Province, Zichang County) for generation,he was called Mr.Anding. He was called "forerunners of the Song Dynasty" with Sun Fu and Shi Jie. He was the pioneer of confucian philosophers. He offer as a tribute to education for lifetime, his educatinal thought is based on The Confucian thought, proposed the education ideas of "the foundation of enlightenment is in school", "value on Wu Xue" and "Ming Ti Da Yong", and other educational concept. He put the educational concept carried out in educational practice,creating "Suhu teachings" which is core on "Teaching Students According to Different specialties", through divising professional in school, set up Jing Yi Specialty and Zhi Shi Specialty,which has fostered many political management personnel, and cultivated fostered many technical talent, generate great social impact at the time; Suhu Teaching promoted the education reform of official school through boosting education movement. Hu Yuan was the few educator who blended educational thought and educational practice together in ancient China. He has a unique historical status in education of ancient China, for combining educational thought with educational practice closely. At the same time, there are also has many precious experiences in his educational thoughts and teaching practice, which could be exploitd in middle school history teaching. So it is good for us to research.The works include five portion:the introduction, three chapters and the summing-up of the works.In the introduction part,through introducing Hu Yuan’s personal life, drawing the outline of his life experience and educational trajectory.Chapter one, I try to set forth on Hu Yuan’s educational thought. The section of "Confucian thought and educational idea" describes the theory foundation of Hu Yuan’s educational thought was based on his profound confucian learning skills, his lifelong education had always run through the confucion thought, which is the soul of his educational thought. The section of " the role of education" respective from the "prospering school education", "advocating Wu Xue" and "emphasis on the ritual and music" to elaborate the philosophy of Hu Yuan how to emphasis on education,how to reform education, and how to establish the education. The section of "education goals of’Ming Ti Da Yong’", I try to elaborate Hu Yuan’s traditional confucian education concept of statecraft, which is the heart in the works.Chapter two, discussing "Suhu Teaching", which is Hu Yuan’s teaching practice. At first, I Focus on "Teaching Students According to Different specialties", which is the core of "Suhu Teaching", to Introduce the content, causes, effects and evaluation. I adopted Braudel’s "theory of’historical period’" to conduct a comprehensive analysis on "the reason of Teaching Students According to Different specialties", attempts to create the whole history from the "long time", "middle time" and "short time" on this issue. Then summed up other some effective teaching principles and teaching methods of the "Suhu Teaching".Chapter three, discussing Hu Yuan’s educational proposition on influence and our current middle school history teaching. Firstly, analysising the relationship between "Hu Yuan’s educational proposition and education movement for three times of the Northern Song Dynasty ", to illustrate that Hu Yuan promoted the Song Dynasty’s official education, and also influenced later ages. Next, I stand on what point of the issue of "Curriculum Educational Reform", to explore and summarize some beneficial enlightenment for our current middle school history teaching from Hu Yuan’s Education advocates, so as to realize the principle of historical research,which is "make the history serve nowadays", in order to achieve the principle of historical research of "Taking history as a mirror and Make the past serve the present".In the summing-up of the workst, I give a summary for the result of the research in this works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hu Yuan, Ming Ti Da Yong, Suhu teaching, Teaching Students According to Different specialties
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