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A Study On The Appellation Of Chinese Kinship

Posted on:2016-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330470984022Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fictive kinship terms include relative morpheme is a very common linguistic phenomenon, which has already appeared in ancient Chinese. This phenomenon has a further development in modern Chinese, especially in the network conte xt. To have a complete system of Chinese kinship terms, the study of kinship ter ms and the corresponding fictive kinship terms has the very high value. This pa per takes the kinship morpheme in the fictive kinship terms as the research objec t, adopts the diachronic and synchronic study of the combination methods, from multiple aspects of structural features, semantic features and pragmatic features a nd so on.From the structural features, the ancient Chinese has appeared the fictive ki nship phenomenon of plusing names, country names, personal characteristics, nat ure of work, ranking before relative morpheme. The middle ancient Chinese and neoteric Chinese morpheme changes in the increase of "old", "big" morphemean d office, animal name, imperial reign of words, and the emergence of relatives mor pheme direct generalization into fictive kinship terms phenomenon. The modern C hinese have been added in the fictive kinship terms named in style and hot events and other factors.From the semantic features, this paper uses the method of sememe analysis, combined with the lexical meaning, grammatical meaning and color significance angles analyzes the kinship morpheme kinship terms, think in the composition of f ictive kinship terms, relative morphemes lost blood, seniority, age, sex function in t urn. The meaning of respect attached to the relative morphemes is gradually f alling. Name class, professional class of fictive kinship terms appear. Fictive kins hip terms belong to noun classes, can make the subject and the object, the emoti onal color is given priority to with reverence, respect, also have the derogatory an d neutral condition. To different words in the kinship terms also have different colo rs of the national and local colors, exotic color and style color. Kinship appellation words in the network context also appeared the gender characteristics of generali zation and sex reversal.From the pragmatic features, the use of relative morphemes in fictive kinshi p terms follows the relation principle, the age principle, position principle and politeness principle. In the course of the formation and development of relative morphemes, pragmatic field of fictive kinship terms have changed, influenced by network transmission, in the creation and use of the process should pay attenti on to follow the principle of language standardization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Appellation
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