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On The Way Of Writing By

Posted on:2016-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper discusses 20 th century Swiss born super realism and the existentialism of artist Alberto- Alberto Giacometti(Alberto Giacometti, 1901-1966) works of art "dog" attempts to discuss Giacometti art creation. About the artist’s familiar to us, and now works of literature have become more common. From the existing information on Giacometti’s research, focus more on Giacometti’s life, conversation, and single work to study Giacometti’s paintings, sculpture works. But few of them set out from the concrete works, and try to explore the creative method.. In this paper, combined with the study of art in the history of the development of various artist for "dog" the theme of the performance, the frescos in the period of ancient Egypt; in the middle age, Renaissance Yang van Eyck; Rubens Baroque, Poussin. Futuristic Bala, to resort the artist’s artistic thought and artistic taste, and then return to Alberto Giacometti’s work on. Alberto Giacometti’s works of art to me a very strong "loneliness", the characters in his works, the image of things small and fragile, and touches my soul "thriller." So I’ll start with Giacometti’s work dog, and try to explore Giacometti’s artistic creation.. And this triggers his own painting creation, creating new possibilities for his painting creation..
Keywords/Search Tags:Visual, Lonely, Shudder, Mount
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