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Extraction And Variation: A Study Of The Symbolic Symbols Of Illustrations Of Shan Hai Jing

Posted on:2016-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330470971535Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese classical literature "ShanHaiJing" is an acknowledged and renowned miracle. It covered thousands of knowledge and phenomenon in various subjects; it is fantastic but also controversial. However, it is definitely a “miracle work” regardless of different critiques scholars held towards this book. This article will conduct a thorough elaboration with respect to the "ShanHaiJing" illustration during Ming and Qing dynasty. Firstly, the author audaciously employed many bizarre styles in his illustration. Secondly it is natural, original but straightforward in the use of lines. What’s more is that it bravely expresses its distinct ideas of different creatures through imagination which drastically conveyed the mysterious and interesting of art by using numerous art techniques for example, exaggeration, recombination, symbolization and isomorphism. For the life who’s abode in the world created by this book. Although it merely imposed a minor historical impact, it gave us the root, the fundamental concept, especially its bold design and creative way of thinking. It is not only essential for us to inherit and learn but for all artist.
Keywords/Search Tags:llustration, Symbolization, Mystic-signs
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