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A Study Of Wei Zhuang 's Neo - Confucianism

Posted on:2016-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330470966839Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For traditional chinese scholars, confucianism is a kind of philosophical thought, It’s a intellectually exploration for the universe, morality, knowledge, which Is the inner experience of the heart, life, human nature. Also, it’s a search and practice of the ideal and spirit of personality, as well as, that’s a kind of ideas and exploration on the social, political and historical. Neo-confucianism refers to the dominant academic system of time during the song and Ming Dynasties, which can divid into two study systems of Taoism represented by Cheng Zhu and represented by Lu Wang. In the Ming dynasty’s neo-confucianism, Li and Qi are on the development trend of relationship of cooling is discussed in this paper. The internal modification is occer in the Li and Qi theory, while, theory of mind has a new force suddenly rises, which has been widely disseminated. To the Ming Dynasty, After painstaking research scholar of the song and Yuan Dynasties, Li and Qi theory, to a certain extent, the emergence of known phenomena generally. After that, it gradually transformed into a kind of social macro value nature theory, which means that it lost to continue rapidly development vitality. However, nature of mind problems are more and more people’s attention, at the same time, nature of mind in this Times is also largely influenced by the Buddhist. The Buddhist’s nature of mind nutrients is introduced into the thinking Confucianism’s traditional theory of nature of mind successlly. As a result, The research’s necessity and importance of nature of mind stand out. Finally, those led to the history rise of yangming philosophy history.ZhuangQu knowledge is from Hu Jingzhai’s learning by Yu Ziji, who is Zhuangqu’s friends, then he Inherits Jing Zhai’s thought, with the academic background of Zhu Xi’s thought. At the same time, he lives in the time of the prevalence of yangming philosophy, has a relatively close correspondence contact with Yang Ming’s sudents, with who he explore and communicate knowledge, reflecting the fights between the Cheng Zhu Taoism and Lu Wang’s nature of mind. On these fights, zhuang qu improve his own thoughtsconstantly, enhance his personal accomplishment, presenting the advocate of "dong jing he yi" among the practicing "tian gen thought". Zhuang qu Integrates many other thought of Li and Qi of previous generation, under the premise of rationale theory, advocates differentiation of one reason, clears that "LI" is "Qian Kun Yi Jian". In ZhuangQu theory, the gas status is greatly improved. On the one side, pay attention to the principle of both fundamental position, on the other side, stressed the essential role of gas, combined Li and Qi, form his unique rich flavor thoughts of "Li Qi Yi Yuan". In order to adjusted Cheng Zhu’s thought, he absorb the mind’s useful idea, responding to the challenge of mind, maintaining the orthodox position of Taoism On the foundation of exchanges with yangming’s syudents, he corrects their own attitudes to Lu Wang Xin Xue’s theory constantly, begin to look at the heart of the theory correctly, putting forward his theory of nature of mind core "Tian gen thought", Inherit ancient saint king of broadcasting. The key of "Tian gen thought" is dynamic and static, everything in the world of one heart,the heart is what people really dominate, and the "Respect" is the outward manifestation. Finally, on the foundation of Li Qi thought, mind theory, he aim high and constantly practicing hair brave heart, the main static and holding their respect and big heart, which is to achieve "sanctification" of the theory of chi kung fu training. In one word, it’s objectively necessary to research his neo-Confucianism thought.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li and Qi unity, Tian Gen Thought, My heart from being the master
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