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The Inner Rhythm Of The Script

Posted on:2016-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Read the script in the heart rhythm refers to read this script in the combination of analysis in a special way to show people show unique and vivid form of contemporary architecture in the heart rhythm stage, combing the correct application and innovation. This thesis covers theperformance form, repertoire planning, rehearsal techniques and field performance and a series of arguments. Stanislavski said that "the rhythm of the direct impact of emotion", the heart rhythm is a fundamental guide in the rhythm of the script. An accurate psychologicalrhythm of the script is profound, but also an indispensable. How to grasp the script to read inheart rhythm is the center of this article, here refers to the heart rhythm and heart rhythm oftraditional stage performances are very different, special importance, heart rhythm will be able to read the script forming and rendering hook.
Keywords/Search Tags:Read the script, Heart rhythm, Emotion, Effect, Performance form
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