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An Investigation And Analysis Of The Present Situation Of Chinese Teaching In Milan National University Of Italy

Posted on:2016-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W S LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330470468814Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Early in the 16 th century, Italian cultural ties between the two countries has been very close, Italian missionary Matteo Ricci as Christianity spread not only in China, but also th e Italian sc ientific culture as astronomy, mathematics, music, etc. into China; at th e same time The Chinese culture back to Europe. In recen t years, th e number of Chinese students studying in Ital y increased year by year, the impact of Chinese culture force in Italy is also growing, Chinese langu age teaching as well as popular culture and open to the rapid in crease of China’ s comprehensive national strength today are closely linked.Confucius Institute at the Univers ity of Milan and the University of Milan in 2009, Liaoning Normal University, cooperation in the establishment. September 2013 to December 2014, I have at the Confucius In stitute, National University of Milan, internships, in conjun ction with their teaching practice in recent years, the introduction of the tea ching situation analys is of the Conf ucius Institute at th e University of Milan, and put forward relevant proposals. This paper is divided into the following sections:In the introduction, this study of th e background, purpose and significance, research methods were introduced.The first chapter of the Chinese Confucius Institute at the University of Milan teaching were analyzed, from the deve lopment process of Chines e language education in Italy, school profile, curriculum, teaching staff, materials usage, and test these aspects are described.The second chapter is a survey and analysis of the learning situation meter large language learners performed, combining data, analysis of student motivation, learning preferences and dif ficulties, as well as te aching students, teache rs and classroom teaching Chinese requirements and attitudes.Chapter III presents a meter large the problems of language teaching, namely the lack of attention to Chinese courses, the curriculum lacks rationality, the lack ofprofessional quality of teachers, the l ack of practicality textbooks, teachin g methods, the lack of interest.Chapter five points for the existence of issues, from how to improve the status of Chinese language courses to improve curriculum, strengthening the teaching staff, the scientific use of m aterials, improve teaching methods and assessment tests in these areas suggestions to solve.
Keywords/Search Tags:Milan university institute Confucius, Chinese teaching, Analyse
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