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A Study On The Works Of Tang Guo 's Photographic Art

Posted on:2016-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q S ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Chinese contemporary art market is so hot today, many artists keen concern is the price of their visibility and works, and national soup in South Anhui rural, attention to his photography, video, installation and painting. Expressing his exploration of the form of water and architecture, and thinking of the proposition of death.Tang’s country looks very common, it is not modern. His body and mind are both in the intersection of nature and art, with his brush or camera, to express their feelings of life and life.This paper is divided into five chapters:the first chapter mainly introduces the soup’s personal profile; the second chapter focuses on the attitude of national Soup for landscape photography and his unique camera angles; the third chapter from the attention to detail, the exploration of water and three aspects of death, and thought, Tang Guo’s creative thinking and creative methods of analysis; the fourth chapter in the digital era soup photography techniques about the key, highlighting show Tang Guo photography post-processing of the uniqueness. The fifth chapter, through the interpretation of the Tang country’s photographic works, trying to make us all better understanding and understanding of his artistic connotation, in order to inspire the creative inspiration of the photographer!...
Keywords/Search Tags:thinking, creative, detail, later
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