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A Study Of Mozi 's Non - Confucianism

Posted on:2016-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330464954160Subject:Chinese Historical Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fei’ru is an article in the book of Mozi, it content involves the problem of the mohist school evaluation about Confucius and Confucian scholars. It has great significance to study the relationship between Confucianism and Mohism, as well as the thought evolution about later Confucianism and Mohism. Senior scholars seldom study this article written in what time. Based on the former works, this paper mainly uses the methods of literature analysis do further study on this issue. The first chapter will list on the main ideas about the finished time of Fei’ru and make concrete analysis on this problem. The second chapter concluded that Fei’ru not Motse thought by combined with other chapters of Mozi and some of the other pre-qin literature. The third chapter preliminarily determined Feiru’s writing upper time. There are something similar on Fei’ru and Gong’meng, it is concluded that Fei’ru later than Gong’meng by analyzing both the similarities and initially determined the upper limit of Fei’ru. The fourth chapter combine with other pre-qin literature do a roughly inferred on the time of Fei’ru, main literature including Mencius, the Writing of Yan Zi 、Kong’congzi etc.. Through the compared of literature to proved the correctness about second chapter and roughly determine the lower limit of Fei’ru. The fifth chapter makes the image of Confucius as a reference judgment to the finished time of Fei’ru. Through the contrast found that the Confucian image in Fei’ru and the Scholar of Xunzi is quite similar. It appeared that some scholar stood their ground distortion Confucius phenomenon when Xunzi period so Fei’ru likely made in this period. The sixth chapter from the evolution of mohism and combination the standards of Fei’ru to explore it finished time. This chapter mainly analysis when the mohism and social climate change began to analyze the time of Fei’ru. Mozi and after a period of time the Mohist scholars pay attention to the plain after turned to debate, Fei’ru focuses on the debate, In zhuangzi period Mohist scholars is known as the debater, So the article finessed in the period of zhuangzi or after. Fei’ru has some Confucian color. In the pried of Xunzi there are some fusion of various thoughts, fei’ru finessed in this background. On the total, this article think Feiru’s finessed time is betwen Mencius and qin book-burningi.
Keywords/Search Tags:Feiru, come out as an article, Mo-tse, Chuang-tzu, Xunzi
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