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A Study Of Urban Family Portrait

Posted on:2016-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J YangFull Text:PDF
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Through the research on the performance of the urban family painting figures,application of picture composition, color, contrast, attitude, character expression and other details of the carved, naturally into the emotion in the creation process, thus expresses the true feelings of life.I mainly take the family character combination as a motif; reflect parents’ love and responsibility towards children, the expression of the true feelings between relatives, the expression of the continuation of life. The process of creation, I find the background information of the different historical period, in the Republic of China,but also contemporary, I think that although the historical background is different, but the parents give their children affection is basically the same, warm and true. In the picture structure, I pay more attention to create a whole picture of the atmosphere,between each color chip size, concern the relationship between warm and cold colors,outline of appearance, form composition of black and white ash, picture rhythm,randomness, vivid strokes brings, try painting face of coordination and unity.In the process of creation, I pay more attention to the screen painting, trying to give some factors of traditional and contemporary painting, concrete and abstract,realism and Impressionism and some other painting language together, to increase the visual impact of the picture. For example, background processing I strengthen abstraction space, weakened the concrete. In the foreground characters I try to show the figurative realism, together with somesimple color coated flat, to open the space before and after the.In conclusion, I with a group of families series motif, the use of black and white ash configuration, warm and cold colors, brush, pen thickness, real space and virtual space such as contrast and coordination performance way to express the contradiction and harmony in real life. I want to record the life by some clips brush, I think it can bring us the love of life and imagination, also does not lose the pure and true.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban family real
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