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On Dewey 's Method Of Naturalism

Posted on:2016-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330461487732Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The core of Dewey’s philosophy is the concept of "experience",most of his ideas are spread out around the concept of "experience".But the focus of this article is the study of Dewey’s experience as a kind of methodological naturalism dimensions,emphatically analyzed Dewey’s experience in naturalistic methodology as part of nature and the impact on the traditional philosophy and its influence on modern philosophy.Will also be discussed Dewey’s experience in naturalism,as a kind of methodology in the social and cultural fields generated by the utility.Dewey’s experience in naturalism is based on the new concept of "experience" Dewey,is an emphasis on action and effect of naturalism.Dewey criticizes traditional experience concepts and methods,from the ancient Greek as experience,opinion to the modern philosophy dualism,as a result of the separation of knowledge and practice,trying to establish a fill the huge gap between host and experience of monism philosophy.Dewey think that philosophy should be human transform nature and realize their own value with the tool,rather than out of some speculative theory or fixed outside of the human doctrine,and the experience of philosophy only through scientific methods,to achieve human realize the goal of a better life.Dewey attempted to expand the experience of scientific method education,the democratic politics,science and other fields, the experience of the scientific method become a effective tool for building cultural.Dewey understand the experience as a kind of close to people’s daily lives to explore the action of the experience to rise to a scientific approach.Dewey’s experience in the way of philosophy on the dimension of methodology points out a new way,make it can break away from the shackles of real life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dewey, Philosophy of experience, Experience, Empirical method, Naturalism
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