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A Study On Zhuangzi 's View Of Body

Posted on:2016-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330461463213Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of the body is the vital problem of each person. However, in the history of western philosophy, based on the dichotomy of body and mind, the body is interpreted to flesh body. And the heavy body is despised by the western philosopher. With the rising of life philosophy, the philosophers, such as Nietzsche, restart to analyze the relationships between body and mind. Phenomenological based on reflection and rectified on the traditional consciousness philosophy, put the body in the center position of the western philosophy, and make a human body as the base of life gets the attention it deserves. Later, the studies of the body philosophy are increasingly popular and fashionable in the west, and have a strong impact on Chinese ideological circle. Many domestic scholars also began to study on the new Angle of view as new interpretation of Chinese traditional philosophy. Chuang Tzu, the representative figure of Taoist school of thought, had questioned the Dilemma of human existence. With his profound insight expresses a person of the body (life). Therefore, in The study of Chuang Tzu body, based on the Chuang Tzu, in the context of inherent in Chinese traditional culture, in the perspective of body philosophy, takes a new interpretation of the Chuang Tzu views on the body and tries to reveal the essence of Chuang Tzu about thoughts body. In terms of structure, this article is divided into five parts.The first part mainly explains the meaning of "body" on Chuang Tzu. In the Chuang Tzu thoughts, a person of the body is blended with the body and mind, the shape and spirit as an organic whole of primitive life.The second part lies in the problem of body to carry on the thorough analysis, discusses the philosophy of Chuang Tzu’s body view on the basis of Tao, which is not only the shape of the individual life existence, or the value of individual life activity principle and the pursuit of an ideal state. On the issue of life and death, Chuang Tzu thought of life and death should accord with the nature and shouldn’t need to worry:I living good my death, born not of board, death for fear that his natural open-minded detachment feelings; at the issue of physical and mental problem, Chuang Tzu points out that although he is a heavy light of mental problem, but by no means heavy blindly abandon mental problem, what he pursues is unified shape and full body view, reflects his value pursuit of integration of body and spirit.The third part is about realizing the body thought of Chuang Tzu, carding of Chuang Tzu’s pursuits are the freedom of all our whole body. The various angles to Chuang Tzu body method are discussed in order to get the freedom of carefree leisure.The fourth part mainly discusses the views on the body to the influence of Taoism. Taoism plays an important role in soaring immortal as the goal, pay attention to the body of refining. Chuang Tzu attaches great importance to ideas of the life and the body, giving rules of physical and mental health, which produced huge influence to Taoism. Taoism is inherited by Chuang Tzu’s body thought on one side, and has a negative and disavowal view on the other side.The fifth part simply discusses the modern value of the views on the body thought of Chuang Tzu, to improve our life cognition and to provide a way of keeping good health, in order to guide the people who live in the crisis of modernity to settle life and get poetic survivals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chuang Tzu, Body, Tao, Nature, Freedom
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