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On The Elements Of Peking Opera Percussion And Its Variation

Posted on:2015-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YangFull Text:PDF
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Constitutes a form of music from the opera, the opera music including percussion,tunes, singing, read white four parts. Which, with the development of the whole playpercussion in the process of opera performances, the band dominated the entire opera,plays an irreplaceable role in the opera music. Beijing opera was an important part ofopera music, percussion through the wide variety of different functions, according tostatistics at hand a hundred species. Through analysis of these percussive point ofview, it was a hundred drums and percussion after each has its own particular form ofmusic and performance capabilities. From a structural point of view constitute, drumshave been the most simple form, such as large gong strike, and form a complex brandof percussion classics, such as gold [drops].This paper studies the latest results draw Peking Opera music "DNA analysis",percussive elements constitute the main part of its analysis of the relationship betweenthe variation of the micro-level, in order to tap its basic elements and "by a rathermore" principle derived percussion of and methods, to be revealed by the law ofdevelopment of percussion from this side.
Keywords/Search Tags:Peking opera, percussion percussive, elements that make up, DNA, variation element, creative thinking
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